Dec 142017
Lists, Rules, and Smarts. Interesting Information Organizer.
File LRS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Lists, Rules, and Smarts. Interesting Information Organizer.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AID!.HLP 627 340 deflated
AIDA.FLE 730 396 deflated
AIDB.FLE 195 136 deflated
AIDC.FLE 814 462 deflated
AIDD.FLE 503 321 deflated
AIDE.FLE 15 15 stored
AIDF.FLE 489 283 deflated
AIDG.FLE 1839 849 deflated
AIDH.FLE 2233 1008 deflated
AIDI.FLE 327 208 deflated
AIDJ.FLE 43 43 stored
AIDKA.FLE 624 316 deflated
AIDKG.FLE 1985 956 deflated
AIDM.FLE 57 57 stored
AIDN.FLE 1633 824 deflated
AIDR.FLE 3248 1505 deflated
AIDS.FLE 2311 1140 deflated
CREDC.FLE 1618 802 deflated
CREDL.FLE 2369 1074 deflated
CREDO.FLE 1358 507 deflated
CREDP.FLE 1714 743 deflated
CREDQ.FLE 1320 549 deflated
CREDS.FLE 1288 587 deflated
CREDV.FLE 1191 523 deflated
CREDW.FLE 975 446 deflated
HELP.FLE 2006 790 deflated
INSTALL.BAT 1022 459 deflated
LRS.DOC 772 426 deflated
LRS.EXE 26764 15568 deflated
LRS.MNU 103524 18641 deflated
PBED.EXE 48236 27065 deflated

Download File LRS.ZIP Here

Contents of the LRS.DOC file

"Lists, Rules, and Smarts" is an information organizer. This 'shareware'
version is designed to give you a taste of what the full package can do.

To install Lists, Rules, and Smarts on your hard disk, run the INSTALL batch
file. It will create 3 directories, then copy the LRS files from the current
directory to the new directories.

When installation is complete, type:


The main LRS menu will appear. Pick one of the many options. If there is a
file for that option, it will be loaded into the editor. Browse through
the file, adding information if you want. To get back to the main menu press
F9. Each time you pick an option, a new file is loaded into the editor.

Please read the "Creds" menus for more information about how to participate.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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