Dec 102017
Interesting HyperText demo. Displays hundreds of drugs, and their uses.
File DRUGMAN.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Science and Education
Interesting HyperText demo. Displays hundreds of drugs, and their uses.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
A–B 1923 619 deflated
ACEINHIB 3298 1406 deflated
ALPHBLK5 3561 1531 deflated
ANGINA 9859 3357 deflated
ARRHYTHM 6451 2407 deflated
BETABLK.PRP 773 420 deflated
BETABLK5 2194 1052 deflated
C–D 3370 916 deflated
CAINHIB 3066 1362 deflated
CALBLOCK.PRP 2001 838 deflated
CALBLOCK.TOX 2258 1031 deflated
CALC.EXE 30470 18903 deflated
CENTRL5 4470 1850 deflated
CHKLIST.HYP 2233 1007 deflated
CONFIG.HYP 64 35 deflated
CTRL.COM 2376 1762 deflated
DIG-CHF 7275 2714 deflated
DIURETIC 6649 2605 deflated
E–F 2555 691 deflated
EMERG5 5556 2216 deflated
FILE0 5340 1407 deflated
FILE0A 2150 810 deflated
FILE0B 2087 855 deflated
FILELIST.HYP 113 113 stored
G–H 1745 546 deflated
GUIDE1 3383 1051 deflated
GUIDE2 2976 1104 deflated
HEADER 175 111 deflated
HELP.HYP 32000 2748 deflated
HYPER.EXE 70870 32721 deflated
HYPERTEN 7083 2864 deflated
HYPMAN.NET 3312 1628 deflated
I-J-K-L 2405 624 deflated
INDEX 2673 859 deflated
INTRO 8744 3111 deflated
INTRO-2 6620 2555 deflated
KSPARING 5554 2065 deflated
LOOP 6164 2364 deflated
M–N 4366 1008 deflated
MECHAN2 2579 1109 deflated
MECHAN4 5278 1991 deflated
MECHAN5 2822 1308 deflated
MESSAGES.HYP 1308 604 deflated
NAMEFILE 239 142 deflated
NETWORK 1053 475 deflated
NEURAL5 3417 1480 deflated
NEWCALC.EXE 89685 45451 deflated
NITRATE.PRP 2514 1093 deflated
NITRATE.TOX 3786 1542 deflated
O–P 3960 901 deflated
OSMOTIC 7763 3159 deflated
PHARM4A 3001 1391 deflated
PHARM4B 1938 889 deflated
PURPOSE 1527 696 deflated
Q-R-S 2022 630 deflated
README.DOC 5555 2189 deflated
REF 1788 747 deflated
SELECT2 2078 771 deflated
SELECT3 8933 3044 deflated
SELECT4 3758 1657 deflated
SELECT5 4201 1650 deflated
SYMPLEGC 1287 653 deflated
T-U-V-W.XYZ 4044 840 deflated
TAB1-1 2353 889 deflated
TAB1-2 2145 795 deflated
TAB2-1 4004 1322 deflated
TAB2-2 2350 965 deflated
TAB3-1 2855 986 deflated
TAB3-1A 185 137 deflated
TAB3-2 1991 809 deflated
TAB3-2A 185 134 deflated
TAB3-3 2293 941 deflated
TAB3-4 1996 764 deflated
TAB4-1 3537 1424 deflated
TAB4-2 214 165 deflated
TAB5-1 2367 954 deflated
TAB5-2 3471 1307 deflated
TAB5-3 1609 774 deflated
TAB5-4 1008 473 deflated
TAB5-5 1761 854 deflated
TAB6-1 2716 832 deflated
TAB6-2 2393 829 deflated
TAB6-3 3994 1385 deflated
TAB6-4 2162 859 deflated
THIAZIDE 8065 3076 deflated
TITLE.HYP 4000 205 deflated
TOPHELP 154 116 deflated
TOX3 4646 1674 deflated
TOX4A 5512 2238 deflated
VASODILR 3394 1432 deflated
WATER 4275 1658 deflated

Download File DRUGMAN.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file


"Hypertext" has become a fashionable word in the computer
world. The word refers to a technique for accessing information
in a nonlinear and highly efficient fashion. This is ac-
complished by placing "hyperlink" keywords in the text and using
the computer to jump, on command, to the information file de-
scribed by the keyword. The files in this archive constitute a
draft of the first 6 chapters from a proposed full
hypertext manual (which will be produced if there is enough
interest in it). Features included in this draft
include: data useful for the selection and prescribing
of drugs used in major cardiovascular diseases
(angina, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, hyperten-
sion, edema), and a calculator suitable for performing dose con-
versions, surface area calculations, and creatinine clearance

NOTE: The purpose of this draft version is to test
its functionality, not to provide clinical information.
The pharmacologic accuracy of the data is NOT GUARANTEED

Hardware and software requirements:
1. Either: a hard disk (drive C) with at least 510 KB (half a
megabyte) of space available,
OR: a high-density floppy drive (720 KB, 1.2 MB, or 1.44 MB)
as drive B.
2. MS-DOS or PC-DOS, version 2.1 or higher.

Using the Hypertext Manual:
Starting the program: Once the Manual has been un-arc'ed on
your working disk, start it by typing "hy-
Using the Help (F1) screen: To review the commands avail-
able, press the F1 function key. When the help screen is dis-
played, pressing any key will return to the file pre-
viously displayed.
Moving within a file: The files in the Manual vary from 20
lines (1 screen) to several hundred lines (many
screens). Move around within a file by using the
PgUp/PgDn keys. Make sure "Numlock" is off. If Numlock is
on, "NUM" will be displayed near the left end of the
status line at the bottom of the screen, and the ma-
chine will beep (see errors, below) when you press the
Enter key.
Moving between hypertext links:
1.Use the up and down arrow keys. Make sure that "Num-
lock" is off. The up/down arrows move the
highlight area to previous/next link (angle bracket)
words. When you first load a file, no angle bracket
link will be highlighted. Pressing either the up or
the down arrow key will highlight the first keyword.
When a link is highlighted, pressing the Enter key
will cause the program to load (jump to) the topic
2. Use the Esc, left arrow, and right arrow keys (the
arrow keys are part of the number pad at the right
side of the keyboard). These moves do not depend on
having an angle bracket word highlighted. Pressing Esc returns you to the main menu screen. Pressing
the left arrow returns you to the preceding file.

Errors: When the program cannot execute a requested move,
an error is indicated by an audible "beep" from the ma-
chine. The most common cause of a beep is a request to
page down (PgDn key) when the last screen of a file is
displayed, ie, it is not possible to scroll down fur-
ther. The beep in this case reflects only a warning
that the computer cannot proceed further in the file.
A true error that may occur is a request to jump to a
nonexistent file (there may be a file names in angle
brackets in the text that I have not yet implemented).
This type of error results in a beep and a message on
the "status line" at the bottom of the screen.

Exiting the program: Return to the main screen if you are
not there already by pressing Esc. More than one press
may be required. Then press "q" for quit (see menu at
bottom of screen). The program will ask for confirma-
tion of your intention to quit. Type "y" for yes if you
wish to exit.

NOTE: The hypertext utility that provides the "engine" for the
Hypertext Manual is PC-Hypertext, a program written by MaxThink,
Inc, Kensington, CA, (415) 428-0104. The Hypertext Manual of
Clinical Pharmacology was written by B.G. Katzung, Department of
Pharmacology, Box 0450, University of California, San Francisco,
CA 94143. It is based on a hardcopy printed version called
"Clinical Pharmacology '88/'89, ((c) Appleton & Lange, 1988).
I would appreciate your comments and criticisms of
this Manual.

B.G. Katzung, 6 February 1989

 December 10, 2017  Add comments

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