Category : Science and Education
Archive   : DRUGMAN.ZIP

Output of file : CALBLOCK.TOX contained in archive : DRUGMAN.ZIP
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Adverse Reactions and Overdose Toxicity:

* CV: Peripheral edema (especially with nifedipine), hypoten-
sion, bradycardia (rare with nifedipine), congestive heart
failure. Overdosage can produce marked hypotension and
bradycardia (especially verapamil) and/or conduction block.
* CNS: Dizziness and headache (especially nifedipine), sleep
disturbances, blurred vision.
* GI and metabolic: Nausea (especially nifedipine), constipation
(especially verapamil). Exacerbation of noninsulin-dependent
(Type II) diabetes has been reported.
* Treatment of overdosage: Sympathomimetics and a transvenous
pacemaker may be needed. Parenteral calcium may be tried cau-

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* CV Depressants: Additive effects on cardiac contractility,
automaticity and AV conduction.
* Pharmacokinetic: Verapamil and possibly nifedipine may in-
crease digoxin blood levels, but the clinical significance of
the effect is minimal.

1. Johnson SM et al: A controlled trial of verapamil for
Prinzmetal's variant angina. N Engl J Med 1981; 304: 862.
2. Lindenberg BS et al: Efficacy and safety of incremental doses
of diltiazem for the treatment of stable angina pectoris. J
Am Coll Cardiol 1983; 2:1129.
3. McAllister RG, Hamann SR, Blouin RA: Pharmacokinetics of
calcium-entry blockers. Am J Cardiol 1985; 55:30B.
4. Muller JE et al: Nifedipine and conventional therapy for un-
stable angina pectoris: a randomized, double-blind com-
parison. Circulation 1984; 69: 728.
5. Weiner DA et al: Efficacy and safety of verapamil in patients
with angina pectoris after 1 year of continuous, high-dose
therapy. Am J Cardiol 1983; 51:1251.
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  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : DRUGMAN.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: