Category : Science and Education
Archive   : DRUGMAN.ZIP
Filename : TAB6-2

Output of file : TAB6-2 contained in archive : DRUGMAN.ZIP

Table 6-2. Contents and dosages of some thiazide-containing combination
drugs. This book does not recommend the use of fixed dose combination for-
mulations except under exceptional circumstances. These agents are all
labeled as "not intended for initial therapy of hypertension or edema."
Presc Cat: all regular prescription items; see individual component drug
categories for pregnancy safety ratings. HTZ = hydrochlorothiazide.
Product thiazide additional
name component component(s)

Aldactazide HTZ 25 Spironolactone 25
Aldoril D30 HTZ 30 Methyldopa 500
Capozide 50/15 HTZ 15 Captopril 50
Combipres 0.2 Chlorthalidone 15 Clonidine 0.2
Corzide Bendroflu- Nadolol 40 or 80
methiazide 5
Diupres Chlorothiazide Reserpine 0.125
250 or 500
Dyazide HTZ 25 Triamterene 50
Esimil HTZ 25 Guanethidine 10
(PgDn for more drugs)

Product thiazide additional
name component component(s)
generic diuretic HTZ 25 Spironolactone 25
generic diuretic HTZ 25 Propranolol 80
plus á-blocker
Hydromox-R Quinethazone 50 Reserpine 0.125
Hydropres HTZ 50 Reserpine 0.125
Inderide 40/25 HTZ 25 Propranolol 40
Maxzide HTZ 50 Triamterene 75
Minizide-2 Polythiazide 0.5 Prazosin 2.0
Moduretic HTZ 50 Amiloride 5
Salutensin Hydroflu- Reserpine 0.125
methiazide 50
Ser-Ap-Es HTZ 15 Reserpine 0.1,
Hydralazine 25
Tenoretic-50 Chlorthalidone 25 Atenolol 50
Timolide HTZ 25 Timolol 10
(Home key to return to top of table)

  3 Responses to “Category : Science and Education
Archive   : DRUGMAN.ZIP
Filename : TAB6-2

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: