Dec 152017
Part 1 of 3. Feathernet BBS. Pretty nice BBS.

Full Description of File

This is the first of 3 parts of FeatherNet
BBS. FeatherNet is a full-featured multiple
node bbs with most features found only in
COMMERCIAL bbs's. Up to 512 message
conferences, FUll Screen Editor, much more..

File FN397C-1.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
Part 1 of 3. Feathernet BBS. Pretty nice BBS.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARCMA.BAT 92 70 deflated
ARCMAS.BAT 87 66 deflated
ARCMJ.BAT 89 67 deflated
ARCMJS.BAT 84 63 deflated
ARCML.BAT 91 69 deflated
ARCMLS.BAT 86 65 deflated
ARCMZ.BAT 96 74 deflated
ARCMZS.BAT 91 70 deflated
BLT.MEN 1569 338 deflated
BLTG.MEN 1860 452 deflated
BLTN-1 1117 536 deflated
BLTN-2 720 375 deflated
BLTN-8 6791 2416 deflated
BLTN-9 6375 2317 deflated
BNU2.BAT 11 11 stored
BYE 1527 590 deflated
BYEG 1428 534 deflated
CONF 1124 451 deflated
CONFG 1279 318 deflated
DIR1 679 304 deflated
DIR100 1302 455 deflated
DIR2 6 6 stored
DIRLIST1 144 95 deflated
DIRM1 1506 433 deflated
DIRMAST 32 31 deflated
DMAS.MEN 656 155 deflated
DMASG.MEN 502 211 deflated
DOWN.WRN 336 191 deflated
FILER.BAT 60 43 deflated
FILES.LST 14049 4384 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 216 166 deflated
FNCFG.HLP 22500 6238 deflated
FNCFG.NDX 180 170 deflated
FNCHK.CFG 67 50 deflated
FNCONFIG.BAT 54 40 deflated
FNET.DOC 168164 46261 deflated
FNET.SCR 4007 501 deflated
FNETDOOR.DOC 4524 1815 deflated
FNETFREE 14 14 stored
FNETFTDR.ZIP 13385 13177 deflated
FNETPROT.DAT 2923 1214 deflated
FNETSCR.ANS 2787 577 deflated
FNETSM.HLP 5040 1379 deflated
FNETSM.NDX 63 60 deflated
FNETTEST.BAT 6 6 stored
FNETTEXT 14880 3672 deflated
FNETTEXT.ORG 8640 2236 deflated
FNFILER.TXT 3671 1528 deflated
FNREAD.ME 49514 13493 deflated
FNSYSOP.ANS 2964 589 deflated
FNSYSOP.HLP 4007 663 deflated
FNTEXT 8024 3407 deflated
FNTSHOOT.TXT 4118 1816 deflated
FNTXTED.TXT 182 125 deflated
FNZIPCMT.DOC 1855 785 deflated
FNZLAB2.TXT 1499 703 deflated
FT.HLP 2725 983 deflated
HS-FNET.TXT 1932 912 deflated
LOCAL.TXT 2819 1153 deflated
LOGON.TXT 734 229 deflated
M.MEN 1238 485 deflated
MAIN.HLP 3693 1553 deflated
MG.MEN 1800 570 deflated
MSG.HLP 10228 3439 deflated
MSG.MEN 1385 474 deflated
MSGG.MEN 1773 547 deflated
NEWUSER 366 245 deflated
NEWUSER2 990 578 deflated
PCBNDX.S 27 11 deflated
PROMP.BAT 84 79 deflated
PWRD 194 74 deflated
RATIO 202 73 deflated
README.1ST 3343 1000 deflated
SCRIPT.0 239 130 deflated
SIGDATA 61 41 deflated
SR.BAT 878 461 deflated
SRCONFIG 424 200 deflated
SRWELC 1092 347 deflated
SRWELCG 974 296 deflated
T.MEN 871 434 deflated
TCAN 182 122 deflated
TG.MEN 1118 463 deflated
TRASH 204 123 deflated
UPLOAD.WRN 419 238 deflated
UPSEC 72 38 deflated
USEREDIT.BAT 59 39 deflated
USERS 400 86 deflated

Download File FN397C-1.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

This is the first of 3 parts of FeatherNet
BBS. FeatherNet is a full-featured multiple
node bbs with most features found only in
COMMERCIAL bbs's. Up to 512 message
conferences, FUll Screen Editor, much more..

Feathernet BBS Version 3.9 UPGRADE Instructions

1. Follow the directions in '' AFTER you have completed the
instructions which follow for upgrading to version 3.8

Feathernet BBS Version 3.8 UPGRADE Instructions
1. Replace the following files:

2. Backup your OLD chat.def file (locatyed in the MAIN BBS directory) before
proceding. Use the dos command: "copy chat.def chat2.def"

Run the 'DEFAULT.EXE' file ONCE from the MAIN BBS directory. This modifies
the 'chat.def' file for version 3.8.

This new code allows you to either search the actual dos directories
specified in the 'dirdata' file or the DIRxx files (file description

Make a backup of the OLD dirdata file before you convert the file to
the new format. Noiw make a backup of the NEW 'dirdata' file for use
if you run fncfg.exe.

Now run 'dcvt.exe' from each node directory. (Where the 'dirdata'
file resides). This will convert your dirdata file to the
new format required by version 3.38.

That is all that is needed for conversion from version 3.37 to
version 3.38 or newer.

Feathernet BBS Version 3.7 UPGRADE Instructions
1. Replace the following files:

Feathernet BBS Version 3.6 UPGRADE Instructions
1. This is a Maintenance release to change the version number due to
several enhancements and bug fixes to version 3.5.

2. Replace these .exe files to update your system:

3. This completes the upgrade to version 3.6

Feathernet BBS Version 3.5 UPGRADE Instructions

1. Modify the 'sr.bat' file as follows:

a. Insert a line immediately after the line reading "fnet %1 %2"
which says "if errorlevel 2 goto end3".
There should still be a line after the one just inserted which reads
"if errorlevel 2 goto end2".

An excerpt from a changed 'sr.bat' file reads:

fnet %1 %2
if errorlevel 2 goto end3
if errorlevel 1 goto end2

b. Now add one line to the end of the 'sr.bat' file which reads:


2. Ensure you replace the OLD 'fnettext' file with the one in the 'fn35_1'
archive file.

3. Replace the old 'fnet.scr' file with the one in the 'fn35_1' archive.

4. Replace the old 'fncfg.hlp' file with the one in the 'fn35_1' archive.

5 Replace the old 'fncfg.ndx' file with the one in the 'fn35_1' archive.

6. This completes the upgrade to Feathernet version 3.5 dated 02-21-90.

 December 15, 2017  Add comments

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