Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : FN397C-1.ZIP

Output of file : FNETDOOR.DOC contained in archive : FN397C-1.ZIP

FeatherNet BBS Door Operation

FeatherNet BBS will handle all PCBoard(R) v14.0 - 14.2 doors.
You will need to run the file "cname.exe" to create the
"pcboard.dat" and "cnames" files.

* You may run up to 99 doors *

FNET uses a dos exit file to keep the current user's status
when exiting to dos for a door to run or for file transfers
to occur. The file is called pcboard.sys. It contains the User's
name, Password, Access Level, Time Allowed, Time logged on, and
other pertinent information. Upon return from dos, the information
is used to update the caller's stats and time on the system.

Another item to ensure the doors will function is to place all
paths for the "pcboard.sys" file to the FNET node directory:
For example, if my node DIR is C:\FNET, I would place in the
door.cfg file (if the door requires), the command
"c:\fnet\pcboard.sys" to indicate the path for PCBoard.SYS is
actually in the FNET directory.

Most doors have excellent documentation and you should be
able to easily figure the setup out.

DOOR batch files:

Name the batch files the name you assign to the door
in the "DOORS.DAT" file. DO NOT add ".BAT". Each node will require
a set of batch files for doors.

DOORS.DAT is the data file which which FNET uses each
time the [D]oor command is selected from the main menu. It
contains the following information:

[2] Name of door and access level required to access the door.
The name must be 8 or less characters and must match the
batch file name for this door. Ex: LOAN,, 5 would be the
door name for Loan door. LOAN is ALSO the batch file name
for this door.
Note: -=> The commas MUST separate the door name and access level!! <=-
A future release of FNET may allow password for doors.

Example DOORS.DAT file entries:

This is the actual door menu. It may be in in any form
you desire so long as the doors are numbered. The door
menu uses numbers to select a door. The ANSI version of
this door menu must be named 'doorg.lst'.

The Programmer's Inn Door Selections

[1] Loan Door | This is a REAL Time loan calculation Tool
[2] Tradewars | The best galaxy quest around!

As far as the actual directories for the doors are concerned,
you may place them in any directory you see fit.
Note: Several door programs require that BRUN20.EXE, or
BRUN30.EXE, BRUN40.EXE, or BRUB45.EXE be present to run. These are
from the Microsoft QuickBASIC compiler package. These files must be
"patched" to prevent the CARRIER (modem connection) from being
lost (QuickBASIC normally drops the carrier when a program
closes the communications port or ends) when the bbs runs a
door. These patched files are available on many bbs' including
The Programmer's Inn (Home of FNET (619-446-4505/6). Remember,
these files ARE REQUIRED to run MANY of the doors!

There are no simple words to assist you in setting up the
doors. I have spent quite a lot of time setting them up on my
own PCBoard bbs (when I ran it). The best advice is to follow
the documentation provided with the doors and also use a little
imagination. Remember, this is FNET, not PCBoard. Remember,
that pcboard.sys will be located in the FNET NODE directory.

That is all I can think of that will be really beneficial for
installing doors. Just remember, you can restrict access to
any door through the access level assignment.

You may also FORCE users with a specified security level into
a door during logon (configured with FNCFG.EXE).

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : FN397C-1.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: