Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : FN397C-1.ZIP
Filename : FNTEXT

Output of file : FNTEXT contained in archive : FN397C-1.ZIP
Screen Cleared to prevent Burn-in
Hit a key to restore screen
: Establishing Connection / Determining Baud Rate
baud callers not accepted. Please call node 2 @ 619-446-4505.
Automatic Disconnect Completed!
Archive all new mail now (Enter=Yes)?
( Error correcting modem detected )
ANSI Support has been detected!
Do you want Color ( Enter ) = yes?
You are LOCKED out of this system!
Enter your password?
You have no time left for today! Please call tomorrow.
Your time allowed has been adjusted for upcoming event
Skip The bulletins? [Y],n?
, you have personal mail waiting in these conferences:
Read your mail now (Enter)= Yes?
BBS Command?
30 Seconds Until logoff!
2 Mins Left!
1 Min Left!
Sorry, your daily time limit has been exceeded!
Open which door ( '?'= Menu )?
Sorry, no doors are available!
You have no NEW personal mail,
minutes left for today!
Your user account has been deleted. Leave the sysop a message.
isn't available for chat.

Press to Chat with User.
must have stepped out
is here!
Returning you to the bbs...
] Conference joined!
Scan for new messages ( Enter )=yes?
There are NO messages in this conference!
Enter Text To Search for?
Enter msg # to begin search at [
] ( ENTER ) = Abort?
To get right into the business end of the bbs, please answer a few
questions about yourself. Everything except your name and City/State is
strictly confidential
Enter your VOICE telephone # (13 Characters Maximum)?
Note: Item #44 is no longer used. It is left in the file for continuity.
Correct (Y/N)?
Enter your City and State in this format: Juneau, AK
City, State?
Note: Items 48 - 57 are no longer used. They are in the file for continuity.
[Y] Ymodem Batch
[J] Jmodem
[C] Xmodem CheckSum & CRC
[O] Xmodem 1-K (Old Ymodem)
[P] Puma
[G] Ymodem-g
[N] Nmodem
[Z] Zmodem
Select (Y,J,C,N,O,P,G,Z) :
Enter a Security Password (3-12 Characters)?
To ( Enter )='ALL')?
User name not found! Continue?
Press to abort logoff or to logoff now!
(1) FNETSM (2) FNCFG (3) FNFILER (4) Update Current User (5) PRIVUTIL?
That door is unavailable.
Select "+, -, #+-, G, N, S, Y #+-" or enter "H" for detailed command summary!
No New Msgs
0 1 2 3
Your subscription has expired. Renew it to regain your access
Would you like your high message pointers set to the highest message [N],y?
There are [0] Messages
^K or SPACE Quits.
Note: Items 72 - 74 are no longer used. They are in the file for continuity.
[O] Xmodem-1K (Old Ymodem) [P] Puma [Y] Ymodem Batch
[Z] Zmodem [G] Ymodem-g (Error Correcting Modems ONLY)
Select a default file transfer protocol ( Enter ) =
Select a default file transfer protocol
] (A)ll, (N)ew, (T)ext Search, or enter Bulletin Numbers?
Your subscription will expire in
The following files are duplicates and are placed in the Sysop's
'holding' directory for screening:
Successfully uploaded files are...
(Upload Unsuccessful! Try Zmodem or Puma resume)
Transfer Unsuccessful!
Begin your file description with a '/' if it is private!
Your description may be up to 20 lines long.
Describe `
Enter the type Computer this file is for?
, thanks for trying but uploads are not accepted at this time.
Your Security level is TOO LOW to view the directory!
We appreciate your desire to upload a file but the upload drive
free space is too low to allow uploads.
Please inform the Sysop with (C)omment.
If filename has NO extension enter `.' at end of filename!
Enter Up to 50 filespecs. End the list with a blank line.
(A)bort download, (G)oodbye after d/l or ( Enter ) to go ahead?
(A)bort upload, (G)oodbye after u/l or ( Enter ) to go ahead?
File Not on Disk, or your security level is too low!
Set to 'Yes' if you wish to be paged by the 'O' Command
Set to 'Yes' if you wished to be 'Beeped' during a Chat Page
Shells to 'FNETSM.EXE', the User Editor and File Manager
Exits to Dos without taking the modem off-hook (Not Busy)
Local Logon - the modem will be off-hook (Busy)
Shells to 'FNCFG.EXE', the FeatherNet Setup/Configuration Utility
Exits to Dos and takes the modem off-hook (Busy)
Set to 'Yes' to Allow New Callers Access to the BBS
Shells to 'FNFILER.EXE', the FeatherNet File Directory Manager
View the Caller Log in Reverse Chronological Order
(Upload Unsuccessful!) Please try again...
Error Initializing fossil! Check 'sr.bat' for Fossil Initialization commands!
The commands are found in the fossil documentation!
Even if you are running a 'LOCAL' node with COM Port '0' specified you
MUST run the fossil driver prior to the bbs loading.
File list Command?
Enter Directory #'s or (#-#), (A)ll,(U)pload, (Q)uit, (R)elist
High Message Number Reset Routine
(1) Reset Current Conference to any value
(2) Reset Current Conference to the Low Message Number
(3) Reset EACH Conferences to its LOW message Number
(4) Reset EACH Conferences to its HIGHEST message Number
(5) Return to the message menu prompt
Sorry, you do not have enough time left for this FileName!
File Not Located, Check Spelling
Enter file(s) to Upload. ('.ZIP' is assumed)
Enter file to Upload. ('.ZIP' is assumed)
If filename has NO extension enter `.' at end of filename!
Enter Up to 50 filespecs.
You've entered that name!
Ready to Receive file(s). Several ( Ctrl-x's ) Aborts
Sorry, the SYSOP must authorize access to the Upload directory!
) not found on disk!
ANSI Support has been detected!
Caller log listing in reverse chronological order!
Filename(s) to Unflag: (*)all, (Enter)=none?
Filename(s) to flag: (U)nflag, (Enter) = none?
You must run 'FNCFG.EXE' and assign a `work' directory!
You must have a First and Last Name!
Enter your FIRST and LAST names at the prompt.
Press 'F' to Flag, 'U' to Unflag, 'Q' to Quit. ( ENTER )= No change
Set your global scan FLAGS for NEW messages.
Each high message read pointer is now set to the high message!
Please wait. Setting pointers...
HIGHEST message Number in EACH Conference!
This will reset your HIGHEST message read pointer in EACH Conferences to the
LOWEST message Number in EACH Conference!
This will reset your HIGHEST message read pointer in EACH Conferences to the
Directories to search (A)ll, (#-#), (U)pload, or enter #'s
separated by a SPACE.
Enter text to search for (NO Wildcards!)?
The search is NOT case sensitive.
Both filenames and descriptions will be searched.
Performing GLOBAL scan for New mail to you!
Performing global scan for NEW mail!
No files Available for this conference!
Archiving Messages
All NEW messages will now be archived into `ARCM
Filename to type?
Private File Transfers
(1) Download your file(s)
(2) List your available file(s)
(3) Upload a private file
(Q) Return to File Transfer Menu
Select (1,2,3,Q)?
There are NO Private files for you,
Enter User's Name to send file to:
That user is not in the users file. Check Spelling!
That user is not allowed to receive private files!
Sysop must authorize you use of (P) command!
You have private files waiting to be downloaded!
Enter 'F' from the Main menu then 'P' from the file transfer area.
Each high message read pointer is now set to the lowest message!
# Name Before Changed to
There are no Conferences available!
You do not have access to that Conference!
Scanning for mail addressed to you.
Kbd timeout in 40 secs!
Keyboard timeout! Call again...
Keyboard Time Expired! Disconnect Completed!
Incorrect Password (
Access Denied - Excessive Password Attempts!
Shells to 'PRIVUTIL.COM', the FeatherNet Private Upload Utility
Quick Sysop Logon to Main Menu Prompt
To ( Enter ) =

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : FN397C-1.ZIP
Filename : FNTEXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: