Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : FN397C-1.ZIP
Filename : BLTN-9

Output of file : BLTN-9 contained in archive : FN397C-1.ZIP

Feathernet Bulletin Board System
Version 3.9g

Feathernet BBS v3.97 Command Summary

Main BBS Command Summary

($) Change Default Protocol or Change password.
(*) Global NEW Message Read (Public mail).
(B) Bulletin Reading.
(C) Comment to Sysop.
(CALL) Read the caller log - Sysop ONLY!
(D) Doors - Online Programs/Games.
(F) File Transfer Section.
(G) Goodbye.
(H) This Help File
(J) Join a Conference.
(K) Toggle HotKeys
(L) Linefeed Toggle.
(N) Node Status (List callers online and Chat Status)
(O) Operator Page for Chat.
(P) Set screen page length.
(Q) Answer Questionaires.
(S) Switch Color Mode.
(T) Today's Caller List.
(TODAY) Display the 'today.txt' file
(U) User List.
(V) View your statistics.
(W) Welcome file re-visited.
(X) Xpert Toggle.

Feathernet Main BBS Command Examples

F D Z file1 file2 ;download with (Z)modem protocol.

F D file ;download with default protocol.

F F 1 2 3 ;listing of file directories 1 2 and 3.

F F 1-6 ;listing of file directories 1 thru 6

B ;Bulletin menu.

J 0 ;join main board.

J 6 ;join conference 6

J TOOLS ;join tools conference

J TOOLS R 157- ;join tools conf. Begin reading @ msg 157 -

D 3 ;Open door number 3

J HARD A ;join hardware conference and archive new msgs.

Feathernet Main BBS Command Details

($) Options to change your present password or change your default file
transfer protocol setting.

(*) Begin immediately with a global scan /read of new messages.

(B) Bulletin listings. List the bulletins available for viewing.

(C) Enter a comment message to the sysop. The message will be protected so
it is seen only by the sysop.

(D) Open an Online program which may be a game or an application of some sort.

(F) File transfer area. Archive manipulations, downloading, uploading, viewing
file directories, new file searches, text searches.

File Transfer Commands
(D) "Downloading" refers to moving files from this system to your system.
D POTATOES ;d/l (.ZIP is default
D Z CCDOOR PDBASE. ;d/l "" and "pdbase" ("." ONLY following
;a filename signifies NO file extension.

(F) File directory listings. Lists the names of the files that
are available to you on the board for downloading.

(G) Goodbye - Logs you off the system.

(J) Join a Conference for message functions.

(L) Immediately list the logged file directory number.

(N) New file Scan (by mmddyy date). Allows you to search the file
directory listings for either new files added to the system since the
last time you called, or for files added from a date which you specify.

(Q) Quit to the main bbs prompt.

(S) Search the directory listings for a text string. The names and file
descriptions are searched.

(T) Type/read a text file in a directory you have access to

(U) Upload files between your system and the bbs.

(V) View/extract zipfile contents. List contents of zipfile and
optionally view the text files without downloading. It is
also possible to "extract" parts of a zipfile into
a scratch file for downloading.

(X) Xpert mode toggle.

New file search commands

'N S A' - Will search all directories for new files since last new files
search date.

'N S U' - Will search the upload directory for new files since last new
files search date.

'N S 3-9' - Will search directories 3-9 for new files since last new
files search date.

'N mmddyy A' - Will search for new files from the mmddyy specified in all

'N mmddyy 3-9' - Will search directories 3-9 for new files since the date
specified in mmddyy.

'S FNET A' - Will search all directories for 'FNET' in filenames and

'S FNET 3-9' - Will search directories 3-9 for 'FNET' in filenames and

'S FNET 2 5 7 13' - Will search directories 2, 5, 7 and 13 for 'FNET' in
filenames and descriptions.

Main Menu Commands

(G) Goodbye! Logs you off the system.

(H) Displays this main menu Help file. Additional Help files are
available at the conference menu and file transfer menu.

(K) Hotkeys Toggle.Enable instant response on most commands. Eliminates the
need to type RETURN to activate most commands. Command stacking is
disabled in hotkey mode.

(J) Join allows you to switch to a different conference. You may specify
either a conference number or a conference name.

(L) Toggle linefeed after a CR. This option is included for those using
computers which add a LF to a CR by default.

(N) This lists the status of the nodes. It will inform you if another caller
is available for chat or not. Note that the node chat will not be
internal until version 4.0 is completed. Currently, a 'chat' door is
required for multi-node chat.

(O) Operator page. This selection allows you to try and page the sysop to come
chat with you.

(P) Page length. Sets the number of lines displayed before stopping with a
"More:" prompt.

(Q) Questionaires. Answer questionaires the sysop has available.

(S) Screen Color mode. Toggle between ansi color and no color.

(T) Today's Callers. List today's callers.

(TODAY) Display the 'today.txt' file. Must be in non hotkey mode to use this

(U) User listing. Displays all user's names and city/state.

(V) View your user statistics/settings.

(W) Welcome file. Read the welcome file again.

(X) Xpert mode toggle. Selects expert or novice mode.

  3 Responses to “Category : BBS Programs+Doors
Archive   : FN397C-1.ZIP
Filename : BLTN-9

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: