Jan 232018
Release 10.5 of SHEZ. An excellent shell for ZIP, ARC, LZH, PAK, etc. New features include Pop-Up directory windows, display file date/size, sort by date, user specified alternate viewer, etc.

Full Description of File

SHEZ v10.5--Premier Compression Shell.
WINDOWS COMPRESSED supported. Improved
4DOS/NDOS support, Strip comments from ARJ
files, Config menu hot keys, and numerous
misc. fixes. One of the most versatile
compressed/normal file manipulators. Easy to
use and extremely user configurable.

File SHEZ105.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Release 10.5 of SHEZ. An excellent shell for ZIP, ARC, LZH, PAK, etc. New features include Pop-Up directory windows, display file date/size, sort by date, user specified alternate viewer, etc.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AGENT.TXT 468 278 deflated
ASP-HUB.DOC 2139 865 deflated
DUMPMAC.COM 9888 6666 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 338 261 deflated
OMBUDSMN.ASP 595 356 deflated
README.NOW 11980 3276 deflated
SAMPLE.INI 12543 2891 deflated
SGREP.COM 21758 13487 deflated
SHEZ.DOC 197321 47787 deflated
SHEZ.EXE 295888 123588 deflated
SHEZ.HLP 36151 10388 deflated
SHEZ.ICO 766 141 deflated
SHEZ.PIF 545 139 deflated
SHEZ.REF 7107 1658 deflated
SHEZ.REG 4579 1601 deflated
SHEZ.REV 10680 3276 deflated
SHEZ2.ICO 766 160 deflated
SHEZ3.ICO 766 194 deflated
SHEZCFG.EXE 67502 30318 deflated
SHEZREG.NL 2954 1107 deflated
SYSOP.REG 4225 1446 deflated
UGROUP.DOC 483 335 deflated
VENDINFO.TXT 3286 1360 deflated

Download File SHEZ105.ZIP Here

Contents of the AGENT.TXT file

SHEZ now has an overseas agent in the Netherlands, Gert Ensing.

He can accept registration orders for SHEZ. To contact Gert via
his BBS use one of the following numbers:

+31 5904-1913
+31 5904-1388
+31 5904-2135
+31 5904-2733

To contact him via mail use the following address:

Gert Ensing
Postbus 4
NL-9617 ZG Harkstede
The Netherlands

Included in this archive is a Dutch translation of the SHEZ registration
form. The filename is SHEZREG.NL

 January 23, 2018  Add comments

  One Response to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : SHEZ105.ZIP
Filename : SHEZ.REG

  1. Hi,
    10.5 is not the latest version of SHEZ. I am working with 10.9 and asking myself is this project still under development or what is the latest release?

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