Dec 162017
BBS NEWS MAGAZINE: Electotronic e-mag (1/95).

Full Description of File

BBS News Magazine Vol.2 No.1 Jan. 1995
Holiday Issue! Merry Christmas to ALL!!!!
The News Magazine for the BBS Industry as
we know it! Sysops, Sysops-to-Be, Users,
BBS Door authors, BBS Util Authors,
BBS Software Authors, CoSysops, and much
more! In this issue: Delta-5 BBS v1.10,
The Pit v4.03, Lords of IronGate Door,
ElectionDay Voting Utility, and a whole
Lot More!!! As Always a FREE Magazine!!
-=*> WBS Presents <*=-

File BNWS9501.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Various Text files
BBS NEWS MAGAZINE: Electotronic e-mag (1/95).
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BANNER 1486 397 deflated
BANNERG 3147 815 deflated
BBSDOOR.TOC 288 201 deflated
BBSLIST 3037 1022 deflated
BBSSOFT.TOC 219 141 deflated
BBSSUPRT 2026 958 deflated
BBSUTIL.TOC 130 106 deflated
BNWSREST 1503 678 deflated
BNWSSURV 3704 1289 deflated
BPAGE.TOC 409 238 deflated
BPAGE1 311 191 deflated
BPAGE2 496 298 deflated
DELTA5 13637 4332 deflated
DELTAL 446 171 deflated
DELTALG 910 373 deflated
DISTRO 1327 495 deflated
DISTROG 1580 645 deflated
DOORSUPT 2412 1086 deflated
EDAY96 11164 3687 deflated
EDITOR 945 484 deflated
EDITORG 1906 721 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 509 310 deflated
FPAGE.TOC 369 231 deflated
FPAGE1 1293 686 deflated
FPAGE2 819 479 deflated
FPAGE3 2822 1263 deflated
FPAGE4 1040 569 deflated
HSLINK 1362 326 deflated
HSLINKG 3845 683 deflated
IRNGATE 9477 3866 deflated
MEO2 1218 389 deflated
MEO2G 2936 817 deflated
MODEM1 1211 671 deflated
MONTH.TOC 230 162 deflated
NEWSBBS 1041 492 deflated
NEWWRLD 5044 1212 deflated
READER.COM 19889 11759 deflated
READROOM.TOC 400 244 deflated
REVIEWS 574 281 deflated
REVIEWSG 1798 493 deflated
SYSOP.TOC 212 158 deflated
THEPIT 31757 9582 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
TRIBBS 1000 465 deflated
TRIBBSG 1930 699 deflated

Download File BNWS9501.ZIP Here

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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