Dec 102017
256 color Super VGA BGI driver for Turbo C. Supports all Super VGA chipsets in 256 colors and up to 1024x768 resolutions. Written in highly optimized assembly code.
File TC256DEM.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category C Source Code
256 color Super VGA BGI driver for Turbo C. Supports all Super VGA chipsets in 256 colors and up to 1024×768 resolutions. Written in highly optimized assembly code.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
3DFRAC.C 7159 2561 deflated
3DFRAC.PRJ 4793 921 deflated
BGIDEMO.C 41933 10570 deflated
BGIDEMO.PRJ 5768 1257 deflated
BGIMOUSE.C 7885 3038 deflated
BGIMOUSE.PRJ 3609 710 deflated
FLOOD.C 2116 971 deflated
ISVGA256.BGI 4957 3116 deflated
ISVGA256.H 2437 698 deflated
ISVGA256.OBJ 5056 3197 deflated
ISVGADET.H 407 175 deflated
ISVGADET.HPP 420 183 deflated
ISVGADET.OBJ 772 688 deflated
README.DOC 2394 905 deflated
SINEC.C 5165 1462 deflated
SINEC.PRJ 5736 1285 deflated
VGAEXTRA.H 1224 504 deflated

Download File TC256DEM.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file


ISVGA256.BGI -- A Super VGA BGI driver for Turbo C and Pascal
that integrates support for multiple SVGA chipsets
into one driver.

-- Due to a limitation in both TC and TP you can't
use setgraphmode() to set a mode higher than 0ah
without patching the compilers. A patch is supplied
in this archive that, using Borland's PATCH.COM,
will increase this limit to 40 modes.
To install the patch just run the PATGRPTP.BAT file.
Make sure is in your search path.

To order send: $45.00 to:
Thomas Design
P.O. Box 586
Stillwater Oklahoma

Cards supported: Video 7, Paradise, ATI, Tecmar, Orchid, Genoa,
Compaq VGA, HP VGA, STB.
Others: If your VGA card uses the SVGA chipset from either:
Paradise, Tseng Labs, Chips 'n Tech, Trident, or
video 7 your card will probably workwith these drivers.


---------------- Order form the drivers now available ------------
These drivers cost $45.00 per driver. Mark with: __X__ for choice.

TWK256: TWK256.BGI (uses tweaked VGA to provide from 320x200 to 400x600)
(on register standard vga boards, not a Super VGA driver)
Turbo C: _____
Turbo Pascal: _____

ISVGA256.BGI at cost of $45.00 (256 color SVGA driver for all SVGA boards)
Turbo C: _____
Turbo Pascal: _____

ISVGA16.BGI at cost of $45.00 (16 color SVGA driver for all SVGA boards)
Turbo C: _____
Turbo Pascal: _____

HERCGW24.BGI at cost of $45.00 (Hercules Graphics station BGI 24 bit color)
Turbo C: _____
Turbo Pascal: _____

Diskette form: 3 1/2" ____ 5 1/4" ____

Soon to come: TIGA.BGI -- Texas Instruments TIGA interface BGI
HPPCL.BGI -- HP LaserJet PCL (printer command language)
HPGL.BGI -- HP Plotter

 December 10, 2017  Add comments

  2 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TC256DEM.ZIP

  1. Is it possible receive the driver for SVGA256, for Turbo Pascal 6 or 7 via Email?
    How can send money?

  2. I believed; I need the file for the mouse in SVGA256.
    I Thank you

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