Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TC256DEM.ZIP
Filename : SINEC.C

Output of file : SINEC.C contained in archive : TC256DEM.ZIP
/* SuperVGA demo program for Turbo C */
/* By: Thomas Design */
/* August 3, 1989 */

/* Compile with alignment "BYTE" */
/* for palette routine */

#include "ISVGA256.H"
#include "ISVGADET.H"
#include "VGAEXTRA.H"

int g_driver, g_mode, g_error;
DACarray Palette_Array; /* create array to hold DAC values */

/*--------------- Hue Saturation and Value to RGB ----------------*/
void hsv2rgb(float h,float s,float v,RGB *Color)
float h1,f,a[7];
int i;
h1 = h / 60;
i = h1;
f = h1 - i;
a[1] = v;
a[2] = v;
a[3] = v * (1 - (s*f));
a[4] = v * (1 - s);
a[5] = a[4];
a[6] = v * (1-(s*(1-f)));
if (i>4) i = i - 4; else i = i + 2;
Color->Red = a[i];
if (i>4) i = i - 4; else i = i + 2;
Color->Green = a[i];
if (i>4) i = i - 4; else i = i + 2;
Color->Blue = a[i];

void Build_Chroma(void)
int i;
int jump=2, min=12, max=60;
int Cindex = 0;
int holdr=0, holdg=0, holdb = 0;
for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
switch (i) {
case 0: /* set up starting color */
holdr = holdg = holdb = min;
case 1:
do { /* add in purple to max */
holdb += jump;
holdr += jump;
Palette_Array[Cindex][blu] = holdb;
Palette_Array[Cindex][grn] = min;
Palette_Array[Cindex][red] = holdr;
} while (holdb < max);
case 2:
do { /* remove red] to leave blu] */
holdr -= jump;
Palette_Array[Cindex][blu] = holdb;
Palette_Array[Cindex][grn] = holdg;
Palette_Array[Cindex][red] = holdr;
} while (holdr > min);
case 3:
do { /* add in grn to get cyan */
holdg += jump;
Palette_Array[Cindex][grn] = holdg;
Palette_Array[Cindex][red] = holdr;
Palette_Array[Cindex][blu] = holdb;
} while (holdg < max);
case 4:
do { /* remove blu] to leave grn] */
holdb -= jump;
Palette_Array[Cindex][grn] = holdg;
Palette_Array[Cindex][red] = holdr;
Palette_Array[Cindex][blu] = holdb;
} while (holdb > min);
case 5:
do { /* add in blu] and red] to get white */
holdb += jump;
holdr += jump;
Palette_Array[Cindex][grn] = holdg;
Palette_Array[Cindex][blu] = holdb;
Palette_Array[Cindex][red] = holdr;
} while (holdb < max);
case 6:
do { /* remove blu] to leave yellow */
holdb -= jump;
Palette_Array[Cindex][blu] = holdb;
Palette_Array[Cindex][grn] = holdg;
Palette_Array[Cindex][red] = holdr;
} while (holdb > min);
case 7:
do { /* remove grn] to leave red] */
holdg -= jump;
Palette_Array[Cindex][blu] = holdb;
Palette_Array[Cindex][red] = holdr;
Palette_Array[Cindex][grn] = holdg;
} while (holdg > min);
case 8:
do { /* remove red] to fade to black */
holdr -= jump;
Palette_Array[Cindex][blu] = holdb;
Palette_Array[Cindex][grn] = holdg;
Palette_Array[Cindex][red] = holdr;
} while (holdr > min);

/*---------------------- Setup graphics ------------------------*/
void initialize()
int x;
RGB ColorValue;
float hue,sat,val;
g_driver = DETECT; /* must have this line to use User Driver */
g_error = graphresult();
if (g_error != 0) {
printf("%s \n",grapherrormsg(g_error));
Palette_Array[0][red] = 0;
Palette_Array[0][blu] = 0;
Palette_Array[0][grn] = 0;
dacpalette(&Palette_Array); /* load DAC registers with new colors */

void sinepas()
int x1, x2, y2, y1x2, indx1, indx, istep, iq;
double angle;
int color;
int xcon,xmax,ymax;
x1 = getmaxy()/2;
y1x2 = getmaxy()/2;
x2 = getmaxx();
y2 = getmaxy();
xcon = getmaxx()/2;
xmax = getmaxx();
ymax = getmaxy();
istep = 1; iq = 1; angle = 0;
color = 1;
indx = indx1 = 0;
angle = -3.1415;
do {
x1 = (cos(angle) * xcon) + xcon;
y2 = y2 + istep;
angle = angle + 0.03;
if (angle > 3.1415) angle = - 3.1415;
y1x2 = y1x2 + iq;
if ((y1x2 < 10)) iq = 1;
if ((y1x2 > ymax)) iq = -1;
if (y2 < 10) istep = 1;
if (y2 > ymax) istep = -1;
x2 = y1x2 + (sin(angle) * 45);
line(x1, y1x2, x2, y2);
indx = ++indx;
indx1 = ++indx1;
if (indx1 == 2000) {
indx1 = indx = 0;
if (indx > 186) indx = 1;
} while (!kbhit()) ;


  3 Responses to “Category : C Source Code
Archive   : TC256DEM.ZIP
Filename : SINEC.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: