Dec 142017
Kfree Version 4.0, Windows 3.0 program that shows free disk space, memory space, and other info.
File KF40.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Kfree Version 4.0, Windows 3.0 program that shows free disk space, memory space, and other info.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DELIB.DLL 51360 24183 deflated
DESSETUP.INF 628 277 deflated
INSBIN.EXE 76032 17595 deflated
INSTALL.EXE 3168 1258 deflated
KFREE.EXE 60909 26672 deflated
KFREE.HLP 124205 35287 deflated
KFREE.HST 3898 1541 deflated
KFREE.INI 374 241 deflated
ORDER.DOC 3809 1332 deflated
PRODUCT.INF 6415 2321 deflated
README.DOC 3085 1300 deflated
VALIDATE.COM 6495 1817 deflated
VALIDATE.DOC 1653 836 deflated

Download File KF40.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

README.DOC for K-Free(tm)
Version 4.0 - 03/17/91

--------- Last minute updates and additions not included in the manual -------

1. The install program has been changed from that shown in the
manual and on-line help file.
This new install program will correctly copy the KFREE.INI file
to the Windows directory, and display this Readme file when
installation is complete.

2. K-Free supports three (3) different screen blanking programs:
Intermission, Magic and IdleWild. When the Stay On Top option is
chosen from the K-Free Options dialog, K-Free will NOT bring itself
to the top of the screen when these programs are blanking the screen.

3. There is no longer a text file version of the K-Free manual. The
full text of the manual is available as a Windows help file called
KFREE.HLP which can be found in the directory to which you installed
To view this help file, double click on the file: KFREE.HLP using
either the Program Manager or MSDOS Executive.


The following is a list of the files for K-Free(tm). If any of these files
are missing please contact Dragons Eye Software immediately.

DELIB DLL 51360 03-17-91 7:54p
INSBIN EXE 76032 03-17-91 7:54p
INSTALL EXE 3168 03-17-91 7:54p
KFREE INI 374 03-17-91 7:54p
KFREE EXE 60909 03-17-91 7:54p
KFREE HLP 124205 03-17-91 7:54p
KFREE HST 3898 03-17-91 7:54p
ORDER DOC 3809 03-17-91 7:54p
PRODUCT INF 6415 03-17-91 7:54p
README DOC 3085 03-17-91 7:54p
VALIDATE COM 6495 03-17-91 7:54p
VALIDATE DOC 1653 03-17-91 7:54p
DESSETUP INF 628 03-17-91 7:54p

Beginning with version 2.2 the K-Free and Delib programs will be
verified with Validate from McAfee Associates (408) 988-3832. You
should run Validate on both the KFREE.EXE and DELIB.DLL files to
ensure that they have not been infected by any computer viruses.
(There may not be any known Windows viruses right now, but that
does not mean there never will be).

File Name: kfree.exe
Size: 60,909
Date: 3-17-1991
File Authentication:
Check Method 1 - D01D
Check Method 2 - 0ABF

File Name: delib.dll
Size: 51,360
Date: 3-17-1991
File Authentication:
Check Method 1 - 76CC
Check Method 2 - 1A82

Dragons Eye Software
P.O. Box 200262
Arlington, TX 76006-0262

(817) 265-5619 Voice
Avaiable from 8am to 10pm central time 7 days a week.

CIS [76057,101]

K-Free(tm) is Copyright 1990 by Dragons Eye Software, All Rights Reserved.
Validate and the associated documentation are property of McAfee Associates.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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