Dec 262017
Ramail the RemoteAccess offline QWK message Door.
File RAMAIL31.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
Ramail the RemoteAccess offline QWK message Door.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BETATEST.NFO 1720 739 deflated
CNFCVT31.EXE 11840 7859 deflated
DOOR.ID 119 86 deflated
NEWRAU31.DOC 331 215 deflated
NEWRAU31.EXE 11632 7941 deflated
NS-PORTS.DOC 863 449 deflated
RAM.BAT 52 39 deflated
RAM31REG.DOC 2129 863 deflated
RAMAIL.DOC 22576 7483 deflated
RAMAIL.EXE 295600 114123 deflated
RAMAIL.HLP 5909 2071 deflated
RAMCONF.DOC 9633 3401 deflated
RAMCONF.EXE 189936 69242 deflated
RAMMENU.ANS 1697 492 deflated
RAMMENU.ASC 921 360 deflated
RAMNEWS.ANS 590 278 deflated
RAMNEWS.ASC 593 218 deflated
RAMUSRED.DOC 2132 867 deflated
RAMUSRED.EXE 137040 55690 deflated
RAMWELC.ANS 545 165 deflated
RAMWELC.ASC 792 187 deflated
RANEWUSR.ANS 166 135 deflated
RANEWUSR.ASC 127 98 deflated
RAURPT.DOC 607 311 deflated
RAURPT.EXE 17568 10725 deflated

Download File RAMAIL31.ZIP Here

Contents of the NEWRAU31.DOC file

The included program NEWRAU30.EXE is to update your RAMail 3.0 RAUSER.DAT
file to the new format used by RAMail 3.1.

If you have any problems using these conversion utilities, you can always
just delete your RAUSER.DAT file and let RAMail recreate it.

Run NEWRAU31.EXE in the same directory where RAUSER.DAT resides.

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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