Dec 052017
ID (Intelligent Disassembler) version 1.2 is a hacker's basic tool that will help you disassemble any COM program. Includes full C source code.
File ID12.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Assembly Language
ID (Intelligent Disassembler) version 1.2 is a hacker’s basic tool that will help you disassemble any COM program. Includes full C source code.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COPYING 12488 4750 deflated
DOSEDIT.COM 1920 1261 deflated
DOSEDIT.DOC 2688 1076 deflated
DOSEDIT.OPN 79 56 deflated
ID.C 21304 6309 deflated
ID.COM 14822 8668 deflated
ID.DOC 2744 1431 deflated
MAKEFILE 119 110 deflated
OPEN.BAT 43 31 deflated
READ.ME! 991 557 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File ID12.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME! file

This archive contains Intelligent Disassembler version 1.2 and some
demonstration material. I used DOSEDIT.COM for a demo because it is
public domain, and because I find it very useful. To see the demo of
ID in operation, run the batch OPEN.BAT - this will produce DOSEDIT.ASM,
a disassembly of DOSEDIT.COM back to the symbolic assembler world.
Please note that this demonstration is very incomplete and rough (I did
not, for example, try to understand DOSEDIT, I just put the addresses
that looked like code into DOSEDIT.OPN). Because of this, you'll get
errors (lots!) if you try to recompile it. IF one were to really work on
disassembling a program like DOSEDIT, one would have to figure out the
jump tables in the code etc. Mostly, I take a full disassembly of the
program in question onto paper with SYMDEB (data areas and all), and then
compare this with ID's output. This trivial example is left as a excercise
to the interested students...
Otto J. Makela

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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