Dec 142017
Compare two text files line by line.
File COMPTXT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
Compare two text files line by line.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COMPTXT.COM 19308 11188 deflated
COMPTXT.DOC 531 276 deflated

Download File COMPTXT.ZIP Here

Contents of the COMPTXT.DOC file

COMPTXT.COM Larry Newcomb

Usage: comptxt

Compares text files line by line.
If a difference is found:
1) The line from the first file is displayed
2) The line from the second file is displayed
3) You are prompted to go to the next line in:
(1) the first file only
(2) the second file only
(b) both files
CtrlC to abort the program
When the end of file is found, an end of file message is printed.
If the two files are of the same length, both names are printed.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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