Dec 252017
FIXZIP - A damaged Zip file recovery utility. TP 4+ source included.
File FIXZIP10.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
FIXZIP – A damaged Zip file recovery utility. TP 4+ source included.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DOSMEM.TPU 1072 612 deflated
FIXZIP.DOC 1374 690 deflated
FIXZIP.EXE 8368 4750 deflated
FIXZIP.PAS 9897 2212 deflated
MDOSIO.TPU 3952 1824 deflated
TOOLS.TPU 15664 6211 deflated

Download File FIXZIP10.ZIP Here

Contents of the FIXZIP.DOC file

FIXZIP - Zipfile Redovery Utility
v1.0, 02-21-89
Copyright 1989 Samuel H. Smith

PKUNZIP version 0.90 does not have the ability to extract *ANY* files
from a truncated zipfile. This utility will read the zipfile and
attempt to reconstruct the central directory so that PKUNZIP can extract
the files that are good.

Usage: fixzip


The input and output zipfiles must NOT be the same or your original file
will be destroyed.

This program is provided courtesy of:

Samuel H. Smith
The Tool Shop
Phoenix, AZ
(602) 279-2673 9600 baud / Hayes-V
(602) 264-2969 9600 baud / HST


This software is completely FREE. I ask only for your comments,
suggestions and bug reports. If you modify this program, I would
appreciate a copy of the new source code. Please don't delete my name
from the program.

I cannot be responsible for any damages resulting from the use or mis-
use of this program!

If you have any questions, bugs, or suggestions, please contact me at
The Tool Shop, (602) 279-2673.

Enjoy! Samuel H. Smith

Revision History

02-21-89 v1.0
Initial release

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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