Jan 012018
List the Environment's size, plus bytes in use and free.
File EFREE11.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
List the Environment’s size, plus bytes in use and free.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
EFREE.DOC 3251 1248 deflated
EFREE.EXE 8371 8273 deflated
HOF.TAG 538 301 deflated
READ.ME 824 398 deflated

Download File EFREE11.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

This little utility will give you the size of your Environment and tell
you how much is in use and what is still available.

Packing List:

EFREE.EXE The main program
EFREE.DOC The program documentation
READ.ME This file

McAfee's Validate Information: Current Versions Available from:

File Name: EFREE.EXE The Paradigm BBS
Size: 8,371 404/671-1581
Date: 1-15-1991 1200 - 19,200 USR HST
File Authentication: 24 Hrs/Day Every Day!
Check Method 1 - 73FE RIME Node ->PARADIGM
Check Method 2 - 0359 CircuitNET Node >>404000

 January 1, 2018  Add comments

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