Dec 162017
PROSTAMP is a an excellent Stamp Collection database. Perfect for the beginer and the expert collector.
File PROSTAMP.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
PROSTAMP is a an excellent Stamp Collection database. Perfect for the beginer and the expert collector.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DEMO.STM 2176 760 deflated
PROSTAMP.DOC 78825 21068 deflated
PROSTAMP.EXE 98732 56627 deflated
PROSTAMP.PSL 29289 6396 deflated
PROSTAMP.STM 256 105 deflated
README.BAT 1819 567 deflated

Download File PROSTAMP.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.BAT file

echo off
echo Welcome to Pro~Stamp. You should find these files here.
echo REQUIRED FILES: Must be together on the drive you run ProStamp from.
echo ProStamp.Exe The main program
echo ProStamp.Psl Help Screen library
echo ProStamp.Stm Master worksheet file (stores printer & user info)
echo OPTIONAL FILES: Not needed to run ProStamp.
echo ProStamp.Doc Your manual. To print it: copy prostamp.doc prn (cr)
echo Demo.Stm A demo stamp collection. Begin by loading it.
echo Pro~Stamp is very easy to use. Type: prostamp or prostamp /m (cr)
echo to begin. "/m" is optional. It means "use monochrome" in case you
echo have a color monitor but don't want ProStamp to use color.
echo Once Pro~Stamp begins:
echo * Press Alt-H (or F1) for Help
echo * Press Alt-F File and load the demo stamp collection.
echo - Highlight "Load File," press (cr), then type: demo (cr)

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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