Dec 162017
Batch file using STACKEY to automate importing multiple comment files into LogiCat (LCxx.ZIP) Disk Catalog data base.
File LCBATIMP.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Batch file using STACKEY to automate importing multiple comment files into LogiCat (LCxx.ZIP) Disk Catalog data base.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
LCBATIMP.BAT 2671 1153 deflated
README.DOC 914 537 deflated

Download File LCBATIMP.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

LC.BAT - Batch file to run LogiCat Disk Catalogger
by : Jesse W. Jackson

Required Software available from most BBS's:
LCxx - The LC program, of course!
STAKEYxx - stackey program (version 2.0 or higher)

Optional Software:
If you do not have these, delete or REM out the lines referencing them.
Pushdir/Popdir - PCMagazine utility
Mark/Release - available from most BBS's as TSRCOMxx

About LCBatImp :

This is pretty simple stuff, using some excellent programs! Stackey and TSRCOM
programs are FREE for non-commercial use.The LCBatImp batch file is FREE,
provided you leave my credits in and un-altered. Don't try to sell it!
If you like it, leave me a note on LostAtC, or drop me a line at:

443 Mali Court
Millersville, Md.

Please pay tribute to the stackey and tsrcom authors, too!

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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