Dec 122017
Disk cataloging and inventory. Automatic inventory of root and first level subdirectories. Prints listings for inserting in floppy jacket.
File DC.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Disk cataloging and inventory. Automatic inventory of root and first level subdirectories. Prints listings for inserting in floppy jacket.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COLORS.MEM 489 196 deflated
DC.EXE 235584 104486 deflated
DISKPROG.NTX 2048 150 deflated
HELP.DBF 1035 377 deflated
HELP.DBT 13893 2374 deflated
HELP.NTX 2048 541 deflated
LICENSE.DOC 6570 1543 deflated
READ.ME 1264 688 deflated
SOFTDISK.NTX 2048 137 deflated
SOFTINV.DBF 258 115 deflated
SOFTPROG.NTX 2048 135 deflated
SOFTTEMP.DBF 258 115 deflated

Download File DC.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file


This program is designed to help keep track of all the files on the many
floppy disks people have around their computers. It will catalog and
inventory files on floppy and hard drives. It will automatically add all
files from the root directory and files in the first level subdirectories.
DISKCAT-I has several reports available - alphabetical listing of all
files, summary by disk and an inquiry by keywords. DISKCAT-I is fully
menu driven with on-line help available. DISKCAT-I should reside on a
hard drive in a separate subdirectory. When UnZipped you will find the
following files:
READ.ME This file.
DC.EXE The main progrm. Type DC at DOS prompt to start.
SOFTINV.DBF The main database.
SOFTTEMP.DBT Temporary database current drive being inventoried.
HELP.DBF & DBT Help database and memo table.
COLORS.MEM Color memory file
LICENSE.DOC License and registration form.
This is a Shareware Program. Please register with Advanced Data Solutions,
15 Springcrest Dr.,Luray, Va 22835 if you decide to use this program.

Have fun and enjoy - Larry L. Hakel

 December 12, 2017  Add comments

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