Dec 242017
OS/2 program to print envelopes on the HP laser.
File PMENV.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category OS/2 Files
OS/2 program to print envelopes on the HP laser.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DLGSUP.C 3565 919 deflated
DLGSUP.H 74 58 deflated
ENVELOPE.DLG 2822 740 deflated
HELP.C 2164 787 deflated
HELP.H 203 152 deflated
HELP.RC 1194 348 deflated
MARNOTE.HLP 121 103 deflated
PMENV.C 18298 4282 deflated
PMENV.EXE 23040 9894 deflated
PMENV.H 544 170 deflated
PMENV.HLP 4776 3071 deflated
PMENV.ICO 3192 603 deflated
PMENV.IPF 4439 1755 deflated
PMENV.MAK 3953 981 deflated
PMENV.RC 153 111 deflated
PRINTSUP.C 2987 1081 deflated
PRINTSUP.H 208 153 deflated
STAMP.BMP 2136 585 deflated

Download File PMENV.ZIP Here

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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