Dec 302017
Create diskette image file for LOADDSKF.
File MAKEDSKF.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category OS/2 Files
Create diskette image file for LOADDSKF.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
MAKEDSKF.EXE 32768 17633 deflated
MAKEDSKF.TXT 2086 899 deflated

Download File MAKEDSKF.ZIP Here

Contents of the MAKEDSKF.TXT file

MAKEDSKF.ZIP -- Freeware diskette image utility for use with LOADDSKF

Included in this archive are the following files:

MAKEDSKF.TXT - This file
MAKEDSKF.EXE - The diskette image creation program


To install the program, copy MAKEDSKF.EXE to a directory in your PATH.

Instructions for use

To create a disk image type:

MAKEDSKF d: [d:][path]filename.dsk

where d: is the name of the drive you wish to create an image for, and
filename.dsk is the name of the disk image file you wish to create.

About The Program

I created this program because I needed a program to create and
extract diskette images. IBM created a program (LOADDSKF.EXE) to
copy diskette images to diskette, but did not provide the image
creation program. I decided to write an image creation program
that would be compatible with LOADDSKF.

About The Author

MakeDskF was written and is distributed free by Patrick Bozeman.
I believe that simple utilities should be distributed freely.
However, if you really like this program and wish to make a donation
(suggested size $15), please send it to my address.

If you notice any bugs in the program, or have any suggestions for
improvements or enhancements, please contact me and let me know.

If you have access to the Internet, you can contact me by email. My
address is:

[email protected]

If you don't have Internet access, my postal address is:

Patrick Bozeman
1780 Sharon Drive
Concord, CA

Warranty Disclaimer

Patrick Bozeman ("The Author") makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or
implied, including any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. In no
event will the author be liable for any incidental or consequential damages
arising from the use of, or inability to use, this program.

 December 30, 2017  Add comments

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