Dec 302017
An alpha of an OS/2 MultiBBS communincations and mail handler. One reader interface for all mail. Automated mail retrieval from disparate bulletin boards.
File BUBBA04.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category OS/2 Files
An alpha of an OS/2 MultiBBS communincations and mail handler. One reader interface for all mail. Automated mail retrieval from disparate bulletin boards.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BUBBADIR.ZIP 218212 203164 deflated
READ.ME 6672 2908 deflated

Download File BUBBA04.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

Copyright (c) Bubba Software 1992. All rights reserved.
Beta 0.04

Bubba now will use ports other than com1 without a protection violation.
Capturing mail from IBM NSC has been improved (expert mode with graphics off
works best).

If this is your first installation of BUBBA, you can ignore this section.

If this is an update of Bubba:
Before un-zipping the BUBBADIR.ZIP file, you should preserve the WORK
sub-directory of each of the boards. This is where user specific forum,
area and user settings are stored.

This release adds captured mail capability if you are using the
IBM NSC bulletin board only. It is identical for other boards.

We have decided to release this Beta Version of BUBBA for two reasons.

First, we have noticed a lot of message traffic on the IBM National
Support Center BBS on the subject of OS/2 message readers. We felt that
the IBM BBS supports the OS/2 cause (as we do) and we should help that

Second, we are interested in getting feedback on whether a product like
this is in demand, and if so, what additional features it should have.

This is by NO MEANS a finished product. This product cannot reply
print or save messages and will no longer function after January 1, 1993.

We have set up our own Bulletin Board to answer questions, provide
support and bug fixes and, most importantly, obtain feedback from you.

Thank you for your interest!

You may copy or distribute as many copies as you want, but
there must not be any charge for distributing this program.
If you distribute copies of this program you must include all license
notices and documentation. You may not modify this program before you
distribute it, without the permission of the authors.

You are licensed to use this software free of charge during it's
beta test & evaluation period. The beta period will end January 1, 1993.
After January 1, 1993 this software will no longer be completely functional.
We hope to make a Shareware version available on or before January 1, 1993.

If you find this program of use PLEASE let us know by writing to us at:

Bubba Software
P.O. Box 448
Branford CT, 06405.

Or phone the Bubba Bulletin Board at (203) 488-9996.

You may use this program during the beta period to evaluate it's
usefulness. You are not allowed to modify this program in any
way. This product is supplied on an "as is" basis, there is no
warranty either expressed or implied.

To contact Bubba Software you may either:
1. Call us (voice) at (203) 250-0905.
2. Call the Bubba BBS at (203) 488-9996. Supported
bauds are 300,1200 and 2400.
We hope that the Bubba BBS will be used to report bugs and give
constructive feedback on the Bubba software.

Use an un-zipper, like PKUNZIP, to un-zip the file BUBBADIR.ZIP.
You *must* use the -d option to preserve the directory structure.
Un-zipping the distribution file (BUBBADIR.ZIP) will create the directory
structure necessary to run BUBBA. It is important that the directory
structure provided in the distribution file be maintained. BUBBA requires
approximately .5 megabyte of disk space (without downloaded messages).

The only OS/2 system configuration necesary is to be sure that the LIBPATH
statement in config.sys have ".;".

At this point, take a moment to read the file BUBBA.DOC. This file outlines
how to operate BUBBA.

Once installed, you can run BUBBA at a command prompt by typing:
or, add BUBBA to any PM Group, insuring that the current directory is \BUBBA.

Before attempting any on-line operations, you should select the SETUP
Workspace and type in your userids and passwords for any of the supplied BBSs
that you want to access. Also, check that the telephone numbers and modem
initialization and termination strings are appropriate.

Recent Forum and Area lists have been provided. Fora for BBSs other
than Compuserve do not change very often. In the case of Compuserve,
however, you will probably want to add your own favorite fora. You should
also select the Areas that you want to visit.

Compuserve -

IBM National Support Center -
We recommend that you toggle expert mode on. It speeds things
up. Graphics should be turned off.

Fernwood -
You should be setup as:
Novice, without More? prompts, no IBM characters,
no clear screen, tty mode and no hotkeys.

OS/2 Shareware -
You should be setup as:
Novice, without More? prompts, no IBM characters,
no clear screen, tty mode and no hotkeys.

Bubba -
You should be setup as:
Novice, without More? prompts, no IBM characters,
no clear screen, tty mode and no hotkeys.

* BUBBA - does not always position large trees properly when tracking
theleft and right arrows.

* BUBBA - You are not always notified when an on-line operation fails.

* BUBBA - The number of Re-dial retries is hard coded.

* BUBBA - There is no way to stop an on-line operation on demand.

* BUBBA - Due to script resync, it is possible to download a duplicate
message. This causes the message tree for that subject
to be corrupted if another message in the download references
the duplicates. One duplicate can be edited out of the MSG

* BUBBA - There is no keyboard interface. A mouse is required.

* BUBBA - takes a while to load. Though each board is loaded in a
separate thread, you must wait for the first one to load.

* IBM NSC Bulletins change frequently, therefore the order of More and
Continue prompts vary. While BUBBA is programmed to expect this,
sometimes it seems to get lost.(Especially if not in expert mode.)

* Compuserve - You must already have "joined" a forum. The Join button
in the Area list will only get new section lists.

* Compuserve - You cannot delete (or edit) a forum.

* Compuserve - BUBBA does not handle E-Mail.

* Maximus Boards (Fernwood and OS/2 Shareware) ---
These boards change message numbers dynamically. Since BUBBA
saves message numbers, it keeps track (as best it can) of the
changes in message numbers. Currently, this algorithm is still
in development. We suggest that once you download new subjects,
you download all desired messages as soon as possible. (We are
seeking help from Maximus experts on this problem!)

 December 30, 2017  Add comments

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