Dec 152017
The BDISK Library is a library of routines to interface with the BIOS 5 1/4", 360K, floppy disk services. Routines are provided for formatting, reading, writing, and verifying absolute disk sectors.
File BDISK10.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Miscellaneous Language Source Code
The BDISK Library is a library of routines to interface with the BIOS 5 1/4″, 360K, floppy disk services. Routines are provided for formatting, reading, writing, and verifying absolute disk sectors.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BDISK.BI 693 203 deflated
BDISK.DOC 8427 2797 deflated
BDISK.H 730 242 deflated
BDISK.INC 2324 797 deflated
BDISK.LIB 2560 1094 deflated
BOOTLOC.ASM 272 130 deflated
BOOTLOC.OBJ 169 154 deflated
BOTSEC.ASM 2746 1024 deflated
FFF.ASM 4825 1431 deflated
FFF.BAS 3202 1135 deflated
FFF.C 3110 1106 deflated
NEWVEC.ASM 3716 1165 deflated
READ.ME 994 407 deflated
README 625 319 deflated
SECRED.ASM 2326 736 deflated
SECVER.ASM 1956 674 deflated
SECWRT.ASM 2332 740 deflated
STDDEF.INC 2769 682 deflated
TRKFRM.ASM 3513 1059 deflated

Download File BDISK10.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

BDISK Library Summary

The BDISK Library is a library of routines to interface with the BIOS 5 1/4",
360K, floppy disk services. Routines are provided for formatting, reading,
writing, and verifying absolute disk sectors. A library interface is provided
for Macro Assembler 5.0, QuickBASIC 4.0, and Turbo C 1.0.

BDISK.DOC library documentation

BDISK.INC assembly language interface
STDDEF.INC assembler include file (used by BDISK.INC)

BDISK.BI BASIC language interface
BOOTLOC.OBJ extra link module, needed for BDISK.BI

BDISK.H C language interface

FFF.ASM fast format program, written in assembly language
FFF.BAS fast format program, written in BASIC language
FFF.C fast format program, written in C language

Contents of the README file

BDISK Library Summary

The BDISK Library is a library of routines to interface with the BIOS 5 1/4",
360K, floppy disk services. Routines are provided for formatting, reading,
writing, and verifying absolute disk sectors. A library interface is provided
for Macro Assembler 5.0, QuickBASIC 4.0, and Turbo C 1.0.

BDISK.DOC library documentation

BDISK.INC assembly language interface
STDDEF.INC assembler include file (used by BDISK.INC)

BDISK.BI BASIC language interface
BOOTLOC.OBJ extra link module, needed for BDISK.BI

BDISK.H C language interface

FFF.ASM fast format program, written in assembly language
FFF.BAS fast format program, written in BASIC language
FFF.C fast format program, written in C language
BDISK Library Source Code

These are the source files used to create the BDISK library. The source code
is written in Macro Assembler 5.0. To create the library, assemble all the
files below, and then use the LIB utility to combine the separate object files
into a single library.

BOTSEC.ASM boot sector data (_BOOTSEC)
NEWVEC.ASM reset the disk parameters (SETBASE, RESBASE)
SECRED.ASM read absolute sectors (SECRED)
SECVER.ASM verfiy absolute sectors (SECVER)
SECWRT.ASM write absolute sectors (SECWRT)
TRKFRM.ASM format disk tracks (TRKFRM)

 December 15, 2017  Add comments

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