Dec 292017
ARIS Version Tracking System (AVTS) is a low cost version control/configuration management system.

Full Description of File

ARIS Version Tracking System (AVTS) is a
low cost version control/configuration
management system. AVTS keeps track of the
versions of source code modules as for
binary files. With SHARE loaded it makes
full use of file locking for an unlimited
number of users. Several tools provide
reports about the history of certain
modules and the access history.
By Alexander Riedel, ARIS.

File AVTS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Miscellaneous Language Source Code
ARIS Version Tracking System (AVTS) is a low cost version control/configuration management system.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AVTS.DOC 49291 13561 deflated
AVTS.REG 9821 3318 deflated
AVTSDIFF.EXE 14204 13944 deflated
AVTSGREP.EXE 11352 11146 deflated
CDC.EXE 14249 13968 deflated
CREATE.EXE 14043 13777 deflated
DELTA.EXE 15380 15090 deflated
DIFF.EXE 8997 8814 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 393 258 deflated
GET.EXE 14359 14098 deflated
HISTORY.EXE 13251 12993 deflated
LOGVIEW.EXE 39936 39351 deflated
READ.EXE 17763 17459 deflated
READ.ME 550 123 deflated
RMALIAS.EXE 13737 13478 deflated
RMAVTS.EXE 13149 12881 deflated
SACT.EXE 9265 9054 deflated
SETALIAS.EXE 14119 13849 deflated
SETUP.EXE 50390 49329 deflated
SETUP.INF 3126 1369 deflated
UNDIFF.EXE 8398 8211 deflated
UNGET.EXE 13720 13460 deflated
WHAT.EXE 8273 8083 deflated

Download File AVTS.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

ARIS Version Tracking System (AVTS) is a
low cost version control/configuration
management system. AVTS keeps track of the
versions of source code modules as for
binary files. With SHARE loaded it makes
full use of file locking for an unlimited
number of users. Several tools provide
reports about the history of certain
modules and the access history.
By Alexander Riedel, ARIS.
* AVTS 1.3 Release notes *
* *
* This file contains changes to AVTS that are not yet described in the *
* documentation. *
* *

 December 29, 2017  Add comments

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