Dec 052017
PC Magazine Volume 8 Number 22 December 26, 1989.
File VOL8N22.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
PC Magazine Volume 8 Number 22 December 26, 1989.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ALIAS.ASM 80264 19079 deflated
ALIAS.BAS 25644 7148 deflated
ALIAS.COM 4904 3651 deflated
ALIAS.DOC 3927 1672 deflated
BACKUPX.BAT 361 176 deflated
JUMP.PAS 595 297 deflated
JUMPTEST.PAS 725 313 deflated
LOG.BAT 866 382 deflated
NETADD.COM 52 52 stored
NETADD.SCR 328 176 deflated
NETNUM.ASM 5010 1713 deflated
NETNUM.COM 399 346 deflated
NOTES.BAT 378 202 deflated
QB1.BAT 236 130 deflated
SETJMP.ASM 1667 509 deflated
SETJMP.PAS 1301 525 deflated
SRCHDEL.MAC 378 204 deflated
TEENY.ASM 315 190 deflated
UNIQUE.WPM 758 344 deflated

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Contents of the ALIAS.DOC file

UTILITIES Ross Greenberg
Vol. 8, No. 21 Filename: ALIAS


Douglas Boling and Jeff Prosise December 26, 1989 (Utilities)

Purpose: A TSR utility that enables DOS command-line editing and recall of
previously issued commands and that permits assignment of long
commands and environment strings to short synonyms ("aliases") or
function keys.

Format: ALIAS [?][/U][/D][/E][/L][/F [d:][path] filename ]
[/B nn][/M nn][/S nn][alias [command]]

Remarks: When loaded without any of its optional switches, ALIAS reserves a
buffer size of 512 bytes for user-entered alias strings and a command
stack that permits recalling the last 16 commands issued. These
defaults (/B 512 and /S 16) can only be changed at load time. At this
time, too, the /F switch can be used with a filename (plus drive and
path) containing regularly used aliases (see Note).

Previously issued commands can be recalled to the command line with the
Up and Down Arrow keys. When many commands are stacked, typing a few
initial letters before hitting the recall key will speed retrieval by
skipping commands that do not match the typed pattern. Use the
optional /M nn switch, where nn is a number, to set a minimum length of
command strings to be stacked. The default, /M 1, remembers all

Whether recalled or newly typed, command-line entries can be edited
when ALIAS is loaded. The Left and Right Arrow keys move the cursor by
character; Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right move by word; and Home and End go
to the line ends. The Del and Backspace keys delete characters;
Ctrl-Backspace deletes the word at the cursor; and Ctrl-End deletes to
the end of the line. Pressing Esc clears the command line and returns
to the bottom of the command stack. The Ins key toggles between
overstrike (the default) and insert mode for character entry on the
command line.

The command ALIAS alias [command] is used to define an alias or command
synonym. The alias variable may be any one-word alphanumeric string;
the command variable may contain multiple words and must end with a
carriage return. Defining an alias but omitting the command variable
removes a previous alias assignment. Function keys and their Alt-,
Shift-, and Ctrl- combinations may be used in place of alias by being
designated thus: [Fn], [AFn], [SFn], [CFn], with 1 to 10 as the values
of n. An asterisk after the close bracket (for example, [F1]*) causes
immediate command-string execution when the function key is pressed;
otherwise, Enter must also be pressed. The command variable may
include replaceable command-line parameters, (for example, %1), as in
batch files. Environment strings, such as a PATH string, may be used
as the command variable by being placed between a pair of % signs,
provided they do nral.

A list of active aliases can be obtained at any time by entering ALIAS
with its /L switch. Alias processing can be temporarily disabled with
the /D switch and reenabled with the /E switch. ALIAS ? brings up a
help screen. The /U switch uninstalls ALIAS from memory, when

Note:A plain ASCII file containing regular user-defined aliases may be
installed with the /F switch when ALIAS is loaded, as, for example,
ALIAS /F C:\BIN\MYALIAS.TXT. This file may be up to 32K and may also
contain ALIAS optional switches. Note that // and /* may be used to
add comments on the remainder of a line and that blank lines are not

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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