Dec 062017
C/C++ Users Group magazine files for November 1994.
File CUJ9411.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
C/C++ Users Group magazine files for November 1994.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ALLISON 0 0 stored
CELL.H 330 210 deflated
CLASS.CPP 1060 311 deflated
COLUMN.H 488 287 deflated
EXHAUST1.CPP 600 302 deflated
EXHAUST2.CPP 598 328 deflated
EXHAUST3.CPP 450 266 deflated
EXHAUST4.CPP 710 319 deflated
FIELD.H 309 208 deflated
FORM.CPP 397 239 deflated
FORM.H 318 187 deflated
OPNEW.CPP 629 292 deflated
OUTPUT.15 130 95 deflated
OUTPUT.24 713 212 deflated
OUTPUT.28 494 185 deflated
OVERLOAD.CPP 515 273 deflated
OVERRIDE.CPP 497 267 deflated
POOL.C 2151 717 deflated
POOL.H 378 221 deflated
POPMENU.H 303 192 deflated
STR.CPP 1300 522 deflated
STR.H 1110 376 deflated
STR2.CPP 400 235 deflated
STR2.H 418 228 deflated
T.H 1434 421 deflated
TABLE.H 437 268 deflated
TFORM.CPP 458 232 deflated
TSTR.CPP 229 151 deflated
TSTR2.CPP 299 199 deflated
TVECTOR.CPP 928 377 deflated
VECTOR.CPP 3702 1105 deflated
VIRT.CPP 530 285 deflated
FILENAME.TXT 8722 2825 deflated
NELSON 0 0 stored
BLOCK.CPP 6736 1910 deflated
BLOCK.H 3686 1349 deflated
CHANDLE.CPP 4121 1202 deflated
CHANDLE.H 2547 901 deflated
DEMO.CPP 4441 1430 deflated
FHANDLE.CPP 772 252 deflated
FHANDLE.H 938 365 deflated
IOBASE.CPP 826 346 deflated
IOBASE.H 2122 800 deflated
IOHANDLE.CPP 2495 769 deflated
IOHANDLE.H 2736 1015 deflated
IOSTRUCT.H 2662 1007 deflated
PHILLIP2 0 0 stored
BOOLE.C 10620 1277 deflated
BOOLEAN.C 7246 1408 deflated
CIPS.H 3784 1076 deflated
ILABEL.C 25182 1832 deflated
INVERT.C 2340 779 deflated
MAINOVER.C 6010 1287 deflated
OVERLAY.C 7946 898 deflated
PATTERN.C 6818 1389 deflated
TIFFS.C 36272 5688 deflated
PHILLIPS 0 0 stored
AVERAGE.C 5419 518 deflated
BOOLE.C 7189 708 deflated
BOOLEAN.C 6156 1194 deflated
ILABEL.C 3739 1016 deflated
PJP 0 0 stored
ENDL.C 224 142 deflated
ENDS.C 212 139 deflated
FLUSH.C 202 118 deflated
OISPOINT.C 656 387 deflated
OSFLUSH.C 310 211 deflated
OSISTREA.C 645 351 deflated
OSISTRIN.C 388 237 deflated
OSPAD.C 2500 799 deflated
OSPRINT.C 1004 490 deflated
OSPUT.C 313 206 deflated
OSTREAM 2381 674 deflated
OSTREAM.C 399 228 deflated
OSWRITE.C 332 221 deflated
README.CUJ 4125 1870 deflated
SAKS 0 0 stored
GENERIC.H 344 177 deflated
QUEUE7.H 1468 481 deflated
QUEUE8.H 2019 596 deflated
STRQ7.CPP 207 125 deflated
STRTST7.CPP 1634 537 deflated

Download File CUJ9411.ZIP Here

Contents of the FILENAME.TXT file

************************* MASTER CODE ***************************************

The name of the first file in this disk's directory identifies the volume,
issue number and revision of the disk. The format of this filename is:



! = the '!' character
m = C for C Users Journal, W for Windows/DOS Developer's Journal
vv = volume
ii = issue
rrr = revision (001 for initial release, 002 for next update, etc.)

The file UPDATE.DOC contains information about any additions or
corrections to material on the disk since the original magazine

If you have obtained this code from a floppy diskette or from CompuServe, the
headings under the column "FILENAME" represent the names of .ZIP files. All
files listed under the filename are archived in the .ZIP file.

If you have obtained this code from UUNET, the headings under the column
"FILENAME" represent the names of subdirectories. All files listed under the
"filename" are included in a subdirectory of that name.

Keywords: Nov94 C C++ IOCTL C9X image Boolean ostream dynamic container

The code listings for the November 1994 issue of C/C++ Users Journal
include source code for Tom Nelson's classes to encapsulate DOS IOCTL,
Dwayne Phillips' Boolean and overlay image processing functions, plus
sample listings from P.J. Plauger's column Standard C/C++:Implementing
, Chuck Allison's column, Code Capsules: Dynamic Memory
Management, Part 2, Dan Saks' column, Stepping Up to C++: Generic
Container Classes, Part 5.
************************* FILE DESCRIPTION **********************************

The following files are included in the disk:

(Zip archive/
subdirectory name)
plauger P.J. PlaugerStandard C/C++:Implementing10

ostream - listing 1, ostream standard header
ostream.c - listing 2, ostream basic members
oispoint.c - listing 3, Implements ostream::operator<<(void *)
osprint.c - listing 4, Implements
ostream::_Print(const char *, ...)
ospad.c - listing 5, ostream padding members
osput.c - listing 6, Implements ostream::put(char)
osistrin.c - listing 7, Implements
ostream::operator<<(const char *)
osistrea.c - listing 8, Implements
osflush.c - listing 9, Implements ostream::flush()
oswrite.c - listing 10, Implements ostream::write(const char *,
endl.c - listing 11, Implements function endl(ostream&)
ends.c - listing 12, Implements function ends(ostream&)
flush.c - listing 13, Implements function flush(ostream&)

nelsonTom NelsonEncapsulating the DOS IOCTL27

iobase.h - listing 1, IOCTL base class definition
iobase.cpp - listing 2, IOCTL base class implementation
iohandle.h - listing 3, Base class for handle-based IOCTL for
character devices and files
iohandle.cpp - listing 4, Base class implementation for IOCTL for
character devices and files
chandle.h - listing 5, Adds character-device specific
capability to class IoctlHandle
chandle.cpp - listing 6, Adds character-device specific
capability to class IoctlHandle
fhandle.h - listing 7, Adds file-specific capability to class
fhandle.cpp - listing 8, Adds file-specific capability to class
demo.cpp - listing 9, Background print utility for testing
IOCTL handle functions
iostruct.h - not listed in magazine
block.h - not listed in magazine
block.cpp - not listed in magazine

phillipsDwayne PhillipsImage Processing Part 12:53
Boolean and Overlay Operations
boole.c - listing 1, Subroutines to perform Boolean image
operations, some comments removed
ilabel.c - listing 2, A portion of the ilabel program
average.c - listing 3, A subroutine to average two images,
listing extracted from overlay.c (found
zip file/directory phillips2)

boolean.c - listing 4, The stand-alone Boolean program

phillips2Dwayne Phillips Image Processing Part 12:
Boolean and Overlay Operations

Contains source text that was not listed, or was only partially
listed in the magazine, including:

boole.c - Subroutines to perform Boolean image operations
invert.c - Inverts gray-scale values of an image file
ilabel.c - Full listing of ilabel program
overlay.c - Functions to overlay one image on top of another
pattern.c - A program to create simple patterns in images
boolean.c - The stand-alone Boolean program
mainover.c - Main calling program to call overlay operations
cips.h - Structure definition for TIFF header, required to
use new TIFF 6.0 file I/O functions
tiffs.c - Includes new TIFF 6.0 file I/O functions

allisonChuck AllisonCode Capsules:Dynamic Memory71
Management, Part 2

str.h - listing 1, A simple string class
str.cpp - listing 2, The rest of the string class
tstr.cpp - listing 3, Exposes the string class's shallow copy
str2.h - listing 4, String class with a copy constructor and
assignment operator
str2.cpp - listing 5, Adds implementation of assignment
operator to the string class
tstr2.cpp - listing 6, Tests string class with deep copy
virt.cpp - listing 7, Illustrates virtual functions
field.h - listing 8, The Field abstract class
cell.h - listing 9, The Cell class
column.h - listing 10, The Column class
popmenu.h - listing 11, The Popmenu class
table.h - listing 12, The Table class
form.h - listing 13, The Form class
form.cpp - listing 14, More Form member functions
tform.cpp - listing 15, Shows the effect of virtual destructors
output.15 - listing 16, Output of tform.cpp after removing the
virtual keyword from field.h
exhaust1.cpp - listing 17, Illustrates set_new_handler
exhaust2.cpp - listing 18, Restores traditional "return-null"
exhaust3.cpp - listing 19, Leaves a bad_alloc exception uncaught to
force terminate()
exhaust4.cpp - listing 20, Implements a xalloc handler
override.cpp - listing 21, Replaces global operator new and
operator delete
opnew.cpp - listing 22, Typical implementation of ::operator new
and ::operator delete
t.h - listing 23, A class with its own versions of new and
class.cpp - listing 24, Illustrates the behavior of class-specific
new and delete (see t.h)
output.24 - listing 25, Output from class.cpp
overload.cpp - listing 26, A placement operator new with two arguments
vector.cpp - listing 27, A Vector class template that manages its
own heap
tvector.cpp - listing 28, Tests the Vector class
output.28 - listing 29, Output from tvector.cpp
pool.h - listing 30, C Interface from a generic memory pool
manager (answer to last month's puzzle)
pool.c - listing 31, Generic pool manager implementation
(answer to last month's puzzle)

saksDan SaksStepping Up to C++: Designing91
Generic Container Classes,
Part 5

generic.h - listing 1, A simple version of generic.h
strtst7.cpp - listing 2, A test program for generic queues based
on the generic.h macros
strq7.cpp - listing 3, Instantiate an implementation for queue
of str
queue7.h - listing 4, Macro definitions for instantiating a
type-specific wrapper around a generic
queue of void *
queue8.h - listing 5, Macro definitions for instantiating a
queue of T (not a wrapper)


If you have questions regarding to the disk, please call or write us.

R&D Publications, Inc.
1601 W. 23rd St. Suite 200
Lawrence, KS 66046
(913) 841-1631

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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