Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : CUJ9411.ZIP
Filename : BLOCK.H

Output of file : BLOCK.H contained in archive : CUJ9411.ZIP
/* ----------------------------------------------------
* block.h
* IOCTL for block devices
* ------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef __BLOCK_H
#define __BLOCK_H

#include //toupper()
#include "iostruct.h"
#include "iobase.h"

//Converts ASCII drive letter designator ('A') to
//IOCTL "1-Based" drive numbers, which maps drive A:
//to 1, B = 2, etc. and uses 0 as the default drive.
#define DRIVE_CODE(d) ((toupper(d)-'A')+1)

class IoctlBlock : public IoctlBase {

unsigned drive_info( int drive );
int block_ioctl( block_cmd, void * );
unsigned ioctl_data( ioctl_cmd, unsigned, void *);
int format_track( int, int, int );
IoctlBlock(int drive); //constructor
void IoctlError( int );
int _drive; //current drive (1-based)
unsigned _info; //current drive info word

static IoctlBlock *Init( int drive );
~IoctlBlock() { }

enum localDrive {
//bit settings for local drives, i.e. bit 12=0....
_32bit = 0x0002, //b1=1, drive uses 32-bit
//sector addressing
genBlockIoctl = 0x0040, //b6=1, can use GIOCTL for
//block devices (440dh) and
//and get/set logical drive
//map (440eh and 440fh)
queryIoctl = 0x0080, //b7=1, can use Query IOCTL
//Device (4411h)
isShared = 0x0200, //b9=1, drive local but shared
//by others on network
rmvMedia = 0x0800, //b11=1, can use Removable
//media check (4408h)
drvRemote = 0x1000, //b12 = 1 if drive is remote
mdFat = 0x2000, //b13=1, needs FAT media descr
xmitIoctl = 0x4000, //b14=1, can send/recv
//Ioctl data to/from block
//device (4404h and 4405h)
substDrive = 0x8000 //b15=1, substitution drive
//set by 'subst' command

//Return values for checkFunction() ......
enum query_return_t {
is_supported, //OK!
invalid_function, //no IOCTL support at all
access_denied, //function not supported
unknown //unable to comply, or
//_dos_version < 5.0

unsigned driveInfo( void ) { return _info; }
int currentDrive(void ) { return _drive; }
int sendIoctl( unsigned *count, void *buffer );
int readIoctl( unsigned *count, void *buffer );
int isRemote(void) { return _info & drvRemote; }
int isRemovable(void);
int checkAlias( void);
int nextAlias( int next );
int getParams( struct DEVICEPARAMS *dpms );
int setParams( struct DEVICEPARAMS *dpms );
int readSectors( struct RWBLOCK *tpms );
int writeSectors( struct RWBLOCK *tpms );
int getAccessFlag(void);
int setAccessFlag(int flag);
int formatTrack( int head, int cyl );
int checkFormat( int head, int cyl )
{ return format_track( 1, head, cyl ); }
int verifyTrack( int head, int cyl );
int getMediaID( struct MID *mid ) {
return block_ioctl( get_media_id,
(void *) mid ); }
int setMediaID( struct MID *mid ) {
return block_ioctl( set_media_id,
(void *) mid ); }
int senseMediaType( struct MTYPE *mtype ) {
return block_ioctl( sense_media_type,
(void *) mtype ); }
int checkFunction( block_cmd cmd );

}; //.... end class IoctlBlock

#endif //__BLOCK_H

/* ----- End of File ------------------------------- */

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : CUJ9411.ZIP
Filename : BLOCK.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: