Dec 052017
Docs on (S)VGA programming.
File VGADOC3.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Display Utilities
Docs on (S)VGA programming.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
8514A.TXT 31492 7884 deflated
AHEAD.TXT 4525 1668 deflated
ATI.TXT 22421 6250 deflated
AVANCE.TXT 8361 2569 deflated
CARDS.TXT 4286 1097 deflated
CGA.TXT 14722 4088 deflated
CHIPS.LST 3504 1066 deflated
CHIPTECH.TXT 53402 12337 deflated
CIRRUS.TXT 75552 16980 deflated
CLOCKS.TXT 9961 2784 deflated
COMPAQ.TXT 15028 4255 deflated
DEFVGA.PAS 32754 9218 deflated
DMPMEM.EXE 3872 2485 deflated
DMPMEM.PAS 1076 501 deflated
EVEREX.TXT 6139 1879 deflated
GENOA.TXT 6888 2360 deflated
HERCULES.TXT 4285 1263 deflated
HISTORY.TXT 880 460 deflated
HUALON.TXT 1332 616 deflated
IDVGA.PAS 46699 11664 deflated
MXIC.TXT 1898 833 deflated
NCR.TXT 13894 3720 deflated
OAK.TXT 5638 1984 deflated
PARADISE.TXT 23600 6725 deflated
PCVIDEO.TXT 9182 2657 deflated
PCVISION.TXT 3311 1161 deflated
PRIMUS.TXT 3324 1184 deflated
Q&A.TXT 5735 2388 deflated
RAMDAC.TXT 14132 4281 deflated
README 5234 2236 deflated
REALTEK.TXT 3713 1285 deflated
S3.TXT 11258 3736 deflated
SHOWTEST.EXE 21152 11055 deflated
SHOWTEST.PAS 20558 5889 deflated
SUPERVGA.PAS 53021 10052 deflated
TABLE.EXE 11472 4657 deflated
TABLE.PAS 6848 2123 deflated
TARGA.TXT 23762 6466 deflated
TRIDENT.TXT 14015 4602 deflated
TSENG.TXT 15797 4897 deflated
UMC.TXT 3850 1363 deflated
VENDOR.TXT 9963 3431 deflated
VESA.TXT 8052 2153 deflated
VESALIE.AS 3749 1445 deflated
VESALIE.COM 832 638 deflated
VGA.TXT 26142 6689 deflated
VGABIOS.TXT 39296 9497 deflated
VIDEO7.TXT 16732 5148 deflated
WEITEK.TXT 2404 930 deflated
WHATVGA.CHG 2869 1226 deflated
WHATVGA.DOC 19153 6562 deflated
WHATVGA.EXE 84448 39458 deflated
WHATVGA.LST 14974 2416 deflated
WHATVGA.PAS 45962 9974 deflated
XGA.TXT 44738 11889 deflated
YAMAHA.TXT 6672 2234 deflated

Download File VGADOC3.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

This is the official release version of VGADOC3, the most comprehensive
collection on (Super)VGA and other video adapter programming available.

This is a collection of programming information on (Super)VGA chipsets,
not an introduction to video/graphics programming.

The major changes from version 2 are:
Hualon, UMC, Weitek, PCVideo and Targa coverage is new.
The material on Cirrus, Compaq and XGA is vastly expanded.
The cards, clocks, history and q&a files are new.
The coverage of Hardware Cursor, BitBLT, Line Draw and Read/Write
banks in WHATVGA is new
The coverage of Hi/Truecolor RAMDACs is greatly expanded.


Documentation files:

File: Contents:

intro.txt Introduction to VGADOC

8514a.txt IBM 8514/a and clones

ahead.txt Ahead V5000 A and B

ati.txt ATI VGA and Mach32

avance.txt Avance Logic

chiptect.txt Chips & Technologies 82c45x

cirrus.txt Cirrus Logic CL-GD5x0, 6x0, 54xx, 62xx, 64xx

compaq.txt Compaq IVGS, AVGA and QVision

everex.txt Everex Micro Enhancer

genoa.txt Genoa 6x00

hualon.txt Hualon HM86304

mxic.txt MXIC MX860x0

ncr.txt NCR 77c21/22/22e

oak.txt Oak OTI-037/067/077/087

paradise.txt Paradise/Western PVGA1/WD90cxx

primus.txt Primus P2000

realtek.txt Realtek RT310x

s3.txt S3 86c911/924/80x/928

trident.txt Trident TVGA

tseng.txt Tseng ET3000/4000/W32

umc.txt UMC 85c408

vesa.txt VESA BIOS interface

vga.txt EGA/VGA registers

vgabios.txt EGA/VGA BIOS interface

video7.txt Video7/Headland

weitek.txt Weitek 5x86

xga.txt IBM XGA and compatibles

yamaha.txt Yamaha 6388

cga.txt IBM CGA registers

hercules.txt Hercules registers

pcvideo.txt Chips&Tech PC Video frame grabber chipset

pcvision.txt PC Vision frame grabber

targa.txt Truevision Targa/Targa+

cards.txt List of VGA cards & Motherboard VGAs

clocks.txt Video clocks

ramdac.txt RAMDAC information

q&a.txt Common Question & Answers

vendor.txt List of vendors

history.txt History of changes to VGADOC

Source files:

defvga.pas All definitions, general rutines etc.

idvga.pas The rutines to analyse a mode and ID the cards.

supervga.pas The chip specific parts: Bank switching, Mode setting,
Scrolling, Hardware Cursor, BitBLT and Line Draw rutines

whatvga.pas The menues and tests.

whatvga.doc Documentation for WHATVGA. Includes list of tested chipsets.

whatvga.chg History list of WHATVGA changes

showtest.pas Pascal source for showtest.exe

Dmpmem.pas Pascal source for dmpmem.exe

Table.pas Pascal source for table.exe Assembler source (a86) for

Executables and data files:

chips.lst List of chipsets

whatvga.lst List of video modes

whatvga.exe The WHATVGA test program. Identifies and tests the
VGA chipset, ramdac etc. See WHATVGA.DOC for details.

showtest.exe Analyses WHVGAxx.TST files generated by WHATVGA /a

dmpmem.exe Dumps the VGA BIOS

table.exe Analyses the REGISTER.VGA file Modifies the VESA driver information.

Programs & source files:

All source is in pascal (except
The source files can be compiled with Turbo Pascal 5.5 or Borland
Pascal 7.0. Other versions will probably work, but ...

The assembler source ( can be assembled with

I'ld be very interested in any information you may be able to supply,
whether as new information, corrections or suggestions.

Any contributors and testers will be given credit in future versions.
Please specify if you have special requests as to names or addresses
used (or not used).

While I'll try to answer all queries, experience shows that I sometimes
have trouble keeping up (I have this nasty habit of working 75 hour weeks).

Generally ongoing test sessions, new information/corrections and intelligent
queries (my decision) will get priority.

I can be contacted at the following addresses:

Email: [email protected] Please note that this is an account
a friend lets me use, so mail should
have FINN: or VGADOC: in the subject line

Phone: +45 9751 3788 These are at work, so please attention
Fax: +45 9751 4050 or ask for Finn Thoegersen
Note that these have changed since the
last version!!!

Surface: Finn Thoegersen
Nordbanevej 3 C
DK-7800 Skive

To do:

- Adapter Independant (AI) interface (8514/A)

- WD90c33 BitBLT support

- Tseng ET4000W32 BitBLT support

- Weitek P9000 support

- Better support for IIT AGX series

- Better (more intuitive) BitBLT and RWbank tests.

- Oak 87 BitBLT support

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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