Dec 222017
Arcade game in which you try to save the nuclear plant.
File JOGGER.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Arcade game in which you try to save the nuclear plant.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AINDEX.VBL 1440 681 deflated
ALFA.VBL 7335 2848 deflated
CATALOG.DOC 20884 3677 deflated
CHSOURCE.VBL 132295 43532 deflated
CINDEX.VBL 3312 1871 deflated
FRED.PAL 3942 192 deflated
FRED.VBL 173462 85306 deflated
GCONFIG.JOG 4 4 stored
JOGGER.DOC 11539 2836 deflated
JOGGER.EXE 130968 73434 deflated
ORDERFRM.DOC 1618 350 deflated
README.1ST 2321 897 deflated
README.DOC 2321 908 deflated
SETUP.DTA 82 70 deflated
SETUP.EXE 14367 13956 deflated
SMLALPH.VBL 4280 599 deflated

Download File JOGGER.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

Quick Reference Information

Heavy Water Jogger

(Version 1.0)

Active Keys:

- Used to move Fred around the plant. Press an arrow
key once and you move, a second time to stop.

- Causes Fred to jump (ONLY WHEN HE IS RUNNING).

- If Fred is walking, makes him run - if Fred is
running, makes him walk.

- Displays the plant map (when it is available).

- Open things like doors, showers, vents - and turns
showers on.

- Displays Inventory (Goods Filched).

- Displays the status window.

- Causes Fred to take an anti-rad pill (if he has

- Sets a green marker at your location.

- Sets a red marker at your location.

- Brings up the Main Option Menu.


Just think, in 2012 the registered version of this game will be an
antique - a collector's item worth thousands of dollars!

People will be astonished by your foresight!

Come on, Fluke, DO IT!

Bug Alert!
If you find ANY bugs, serious or not, or have suggestions,
please inform me at the following address:

Casey Butler
Viable Software Alternatives
Rt. 10, Box 360
Carbondale, IL 62901
(618) 549-5227

If you get an "Out Of Memory" or "Out Of String Space" error,
try removing any terminate-and-stay-resident programs (TSRs) that
you might have loaded.


Contents of the README.1ST file

Quick Reference Information

Heavy Water Jogger

(Version 1.0)

Active Keys:

- Used to move Fred around the plant. Press an arrow
key once and you move, a second time to stop.

- Causes Fred to jump (ONLY WHEN HE IS RUNNING).

- If Fred is walking, makes him run - if Fred is
running, makes him walk.

- Displays the plant map (when it is available).

- Open things like doors, showers, vents - and turns
showers on.

- Displays Inventory (Goods Filched).

- Displays the status window.

- Causes Fred to take an anti-rad pill (if he has

- Sets a green marker at your location.

- Sets a red marker at your location.

- Brings up the Main Option Menu.


Just think, in 2012 the registered version of this game will be an
antique - a collector's item worth thousands of dollars!

People will be astonished by your foresight!

Come on, Fluke, DO IT!

Bug Alert!
If you find ANY bugs, serious or not, or have suggestions,
please inform me at the following address:

Casey Butler
Viable Software Alternatives
Rt. 10, Box 360
Carbondale, IL 62901
(618) 549-5227

If you get an "Out Of Memory" or "Out Of String Space" error,
try removing any terminate-and-stay-resident programs (TSRs) that
you might have loaded.


Quick Reference Information

Heavy Water Jogger

(Version 1.0)

Active Keys:

- Used to move Fred around the plant. Press an arrow
key once and you move, a second time to stop.

- Causes Fred to jump (ONLY WHEN HE IS RUNNING).

- If Fred is walking, makes him run - if Fred is
running, makes him walk.

- Displays the plant map (when it is available).

- Open things like doors, showers, vents - and turns
showers on.

- Displays Inventory (Goods Filched).

- Displays the status window.

- Causes Fred to take an anti-rad pill (if he has

<+> - Sets a green marker at your location.

<-> - Sets a red marker at your location.

- Brings up the Main Option Menu.


Just think, in 2012 the registered version of this game will be an
antique - a collector's item worth thousands of dollars!

People will be astonished by your foresight!

Come on, Fluke, DO IT!

Bug Alert!
If you find ANY bugs, serious or not, or have suggestions,
please inform me at the following address:

Casey Butler
Viable Software Alternatives
Rt. 10, Box 360
Carbondale, IL 62901
(618) 549-5227

If you get an "Out Of Memory" or "Out Of String Space" error,
try removing any terminate-and-stay-resident programs (TSRs) that
you might have loaded.


 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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