Dec 172017
GOOD TO FIRM is a horse racing adventure based on the British flat racing season. All the big races, including the English Classics, are featured, as well as group races, handicaps, maidens and sellers.
File GOODTF.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
GOOD TO FIRM is a horse racing adventure based on the British flat racing season. All the big races, including the English Classics, are featured, as well as group races, handicaps, maidens and sellers.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
GTF.DAT 353830 145735 deflated
GTF.EXE 60005 58316 deflated
GTF.HLP 23484 8063 deflated
GTF.ZSC 57040 31931 deflated
HELP.EXE 13479 13093 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File GOODTF.ZIP Here

 December 17, 2017  Add comments

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