Dec 162017
Excellent Check Book Manager.
File CM104.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Financial and Statistics
Excellent Check Book Manager.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CM.000 118016 48621 deflated
CM.COM 39685 19666 deflated
CM.DOC 45243 12653 deflated
CM.HLP 44496 7708 deflated
CM.OVL 46973 21078 deflated
CMINST.COM 13239 9489 deflated
ORDER.DOC 1592 456 deflated
READ.ME 1467 741 deflated

Download File CM104.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

25 Oct 86

This file details some changes between CheckMate versions 1.02,
1.03, and 1.04.

-- V1.02 to V1.03

Two specific bugs have been fixed. First, checks may now be
printed in any selected pitch (version 1.02 was "stuck" in elite)
and second, a rare problem with date indexing was corrected. If
you notice any transactions out of date sequence, you should
REBUILD the data files using the REBUILD feature of version 1.03
(the REBUILD feature of 1.02 is not robust enough to correct the

New features include a more robust REBUILDing algorithm that
maximizes recovery of data in the event of system crashes or
"odd" circumstances, calculation and reporting of totals after
transaction reports, and date "memory" during transaction entry.
This means that CheckMate will default to the last date entered
instead of the DOS date while entering transactions. We have
also improved the searching algorithms (resulting in greater

-- V1.03 to V1.04

1 Nov 86

Three corrections have been made to version 1.03. First, the MATCH
criteria has been corrected so that transactions on the ENDING DATE
are included in the reports. Second, the REBUILDING algorithm has
been adjusted to correct the account balance following corruption to
the data file itself. Finally, a DOS file-handle error was fixed so
that changes made to the data files immediately after a REBUILD are
not lost.

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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