Dec 132017
Uses CTRL ALT keys for printer & graphics.
File CTRLALT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Printer + Display Graphics
Uses CTRL ALT keys for printer & graphics.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CACMDSUM.DOC 2179 818 deflated
CTRLALT.ASM 38359 8231 deflated
CTRLALT.COM 3638 2851 deflated
CTRLALT.DOC 100562 31574 deflated

Download File CTRLALT.ZIP Here

Contents of the CACMDSUM.DOC file

Program by Barry Simon and Richard Wilson

^@A ASCII table ^@U NOT USED
^@B Backspace mode ^@V Vanilla
^@C Copy screen ^@W NOT USED
^@E Enter small buffer ^@Y NOT USED
^@F NOT USED ^@Z Zilch mode
^@G NOT USED ^@ Emergency Exit to DOS
^@H Hex table ^@ Marking Mode
^@I Insert large buffer ^@<=/+> Fast Insert Mode
^@J NOT USED ^@<-/_> Slow Insert Mode
^@K Kill other screen ^@1 mode
^@L NOT USED ^@2 mode
^@M NOT USED ^@3 mode
^@N aNsi table ^@4 mode
^@O tbls on Other scrn ^@5 mode
^@P Print control mode ^@6 mode
^@Q Quit buffer insert ^@7 - left; + up mode
^@R carriage Return mode ^@8 normal alt
^@S Switch monitors ^@9 - right; + down mode
^@T aTtribute table ^@0 @Keypad in standard mode

^@A,^@H subcommands: E(nter), P(rint), B(uffer), Arrows,
^@P subcommands: ,,,,S(witch),P(rint),
A(ll), various escape codes to printer
^@ subcommands: Arrows, or to tack down
Arrows, ,,,
S(witch), C(opy), P(rint),
^@1-6: @numeric keypad, @, @

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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