Dec 162017
F-Prot 2.17 - Shareware/Freeware anti virus software. One of the best.

Full Description of File

F-PROT version 2.17 - March 1995

The F-PROT anti-virus package contains a
virus scanner combined with a disinfection
program, as well as a resident monitoring
program for intercepting known viruses.

This program is free of charge for private
users, but others are required to register
or obtain the 'Professional' version - see
the documentation for details.

File FP-217.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category System Diagnostics
F-Prot 2.17 – Shareware/Freeware anti virus software. One of the best.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ANALYSE.DOC 2110 1049 deflated
COMMAND.DOC 4180 1935 deflated
DISTRIB.DOC 2022 898 deflated
ENGLISH.ASC 293 244 deflated
ENGLISH.TX0 35512 27937 deflated
F-PROT.ASC 293 246 deflated
F-PROT.EXE 107794 106560 deflated
F-TEST.COM 58 57 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 370 241 deflated
INSTALL.DOC 736 414 deflated
NEW.217 13561 6536 deflated
NEW_VIR.DOC 2997 1605 deflated
ORDER-2.DOC 4444 1863 deflated
ORDER.DOC 4917 2073 deflated
PGP.DOC 1404 771 deflated
PROBLEM.DOC 1940 903 deflated
READ_ME.DOC 2915 1272 deflated
SCAN.DOC 9425 3750 deflated
SIGN.ASC 293 245 deflated
SIGN.DEF 265701 163547 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
UPDATES.DOC 1722 864 deflated
VIR-HELP.ENG 220120 156125 deflated
VIRLIST.LIS 309728 30914 deflated
VIRSTOP.ASC 293 246 deflated
VIRSTOP.DOC 5358 2186 deflated
VIRSTOP.EXE 42874 27979 deflated
VIRUS.DOC 10912 4186 deflated

Download File FP-217.ZIP Here

Contents of the ANALYSE.DOC file

Heuristic analysis

Scanning for viruses by using search strings is not the ultimate solution
to the virus problem. If using an up-to-date scanner (or better yet, two
scanners from different companies), one can be fairly certain that all
known viruses will be detected. The scanners may or may not detect new
variants which have been created by modifying older viruses, but if a new
virus is written entirely from scratch, it will probably not be detected by
any existing search string.

The virus may be detected by a generic monitoring program when it
activates - perhaps when trying to perform some suspicious action, such as
reformatting the hard disk. It may also be detected by a checksuming
program, which detects changes to files or boot secors, after they have
been infected. Nevertheless, it is preferable to try to detect the
presence of the virus without actually running a virus-infected program.

The heuristic analysis is basically a small expert-system, which has a set
of rules describing viruses, and attempts to apply them to the programs it
analyses. It is still only in an experimental stage and is not flawless -
some viruses cannot yet be detected in this way, and an occasional false
alarm is to be expected.

Currently a few programs are known to cause a false positive, including:

Any program protected with the HyperLOCK encryptor ... not surprising,
considering that it claims that "Attemping to reverse engineer this
software may result in data loss".

A few heavily "armored" programs, that use multiple layers of
anti-debugging techniques. XTG.EXE (Xtree Gold) is one example.


Some files belonging to Central-Point's PC-Tools.

In addition, if the heuristics report a non-executable file as suspicious,
it is almost certainly a false alarm - the heuristics are only intended to
analyse executable files, and will not produce meaningful results if used
on a data files. You should not use heuristics with "All files" selected,
and doing so will produce a warning message.

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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