Jan 152018
CPU speed checker that includes ASM source code. Very simple.
File CPU2.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category System Diagnostics
CPU speed checker that includes ASM source code. Very simple.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CPU2.ASM 5888 2079 deflated
CPU2.COM 9140 622 deflated
CPU2.DOC 3840 1651 deflated

Download File CPU2.ZIP Here

Contents of the CPU2.DOC file

CPU2.ASM - 8086/8088/V20/V30 speed check/benchmark program
- 01/07/86 - Stephen R. Davis, Kim Levitt

-->>> CPU2.ASM is an adaptation by Kim Levitt of an assembly langauge
program that was modified by Stephen Davis, combined with a Sieve of
Eratosthenes benchmark also listed by Stephen R. Davis in his article
"Turbo Charge Your 8086/8088 Computer" that was published in two parts
in the Nov/Dec'85 and Jan/Feb'86 issues of Micro/Systems Journal. *

The speed check/benchmarks will run on any 8086/8088 or V20/V30 based
microcomputer running under MS-DOS. (It may run under CP/M-86 and/or
Turbo-DOS also, but not sure.)

It will display the number of seconds taken to execute a "mixed
instruction set" in a repeat loop, and compute the relative "clock
speed" of your system as compared to the standard 4.77 Mhz of the
standard IBM-PC. The Sieve of Eratosthenes benchmark is included
also as it is a favorite used in benchmark comparisons between
different computers. The number of seconds taken to complete ten
repetitions is displayed. This program can be used to demonstrate
the relative performance of a particular machine or to document the
increase in performance gained by upgrading from a 8086/8088 to a
V20/V30 chip. It does NOT use any of the special 80186/80286/V20/V30
instructions and so will run on a normal 8088 or 8086 just fine.

* (The article is about using a NEC uPD70108 (V20) or uPD70116 (V30)
microprocessor in your 8088/8086 or compatible instead of the
Intel 8088 or 8086 to speed up the relative performance of your
computer without increasing your system's clock speed or adding a
coprocessor or replacement motherboard. I added a V30 to my AT&T
PC 6300 and have anywhere from 25% to 100% faster performance, and
it only cost me about $20! Not only that, but with the V20-80.COM
program (in the public (freeware) domain) you can run CP/M-80 software
on your MS-DOS system!!) I HIGHLY recommend you swap your Intel chip
for the new NEC super chip, ESPECIALLY if you have a 8086 (true 16-bit).

-- Notes/update by Kim Levitt
sysop, MBBS Headquarters PDSE
(213) 653-6398 (300/1200/2400 baud)



01/07/86 -- Stephen R. Davis, Kim Levitt

BENCHMARK #1: - Mixed Instruction Repetition

Please wait...

Execution time is 10.00 secs on a 4.77 Mhz 8088
with no waits on RAM access.

Actual execution time here = 03.90 seconds.
Effective 8088 clock speed = 12.23 Mhz

BENCHMARK #2 - Sieve of Eratosthenes, 10 reps

Please wait...

Execution time is 3.68 secs on a 4.77 Mhz 8088
with no waits on RAM access.

Actual execution time here = 01.60 seconds.


AND "CPU2.COM" BENCHMARK PROGRAMS -- 01/07/86 -- Kim Levitt

IBM PC 8088 4.77 MHZ IBM PC V20 4.77 MHZ

NORTON SYSINFO - 1.00 1.70 (70.0% INCREASE)
CPU2 #1 - 10 - 4.77 9.5 - 5.02 (5.26% INCREASE)
CPU2 #2 - 3.68 3.57 (3.08% INCREASE)

AT&T PC 6300 8086 8 MHZ AT&T PC 6300 V30 8 MHZ

NORTON SYSINFO - 1.90 3.90 (105% INCREASE)
CPU2 #1 - 4.7 - 10.14 3.9 - 12.23 (20.51% INCREASE)
CPU2 #2 - 1.80 1.60 (12.5% INCREASE)

NORTON SYSINFO = "Performance factor relative to IBM-PC"
CPU2 #1 = Mixed Instruction repetition (secs - effective Mhz)
CPU2 #2 = Sieve of Erastosthenes, 10 reps (secs)

 January 15, 2018  Add comments

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