Dec 262017
Netmail Door for RBBS 15.1B to get Fidonet. Good FidoNet reference.
File NETM151B.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BBS Files
Netmail Door for RBBS 15.1B to get Fidonet. Good FidoNet reference.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
NETINIT.EXE 49526 32766 deflated
NETMAIL.DOC 3072 1311 deflated
NETMAIL.EXE 126414 70360 deflated
POLICY3.DOC 45206 12866 deflated
PRELOG.NET 639 333 deflated
SETUP.DOC 14720 5493 deflated
SYSOP.DOC 12616 4691 deflated

Download File NETM151B.ZIP Here

Contents of the NETMAIL.DOC file

NetMail - Echomail

This program allows you to make and/or answer messages or just
enjoy and read the traffic that is on this system.

The difference between NetMail and EchoMail is:
NetMail is to a person and goes directly to them in about 24-48
hours, BUT does cost the sysops a lot of $$$ to make these calls
SO please keep this type of message to a minimum.
EchoMail is reference a conference and you may send a message to
a person or All, but keep it reference the conference. These type
of messages go to ALL the BBS's that carry the conference and are
passed from BBS to BBS and do cost $$$ but MUCH less than NetMail
because these messages are passed as local as possible. Use this
area as much as you like, BUT remember that everyone sees your
messages so keep them in a manner that is acceptable for the
general public.

This program has been setup to be completely menu driven and is
very simple to operate.

The main menu allows you to change areas. This means from
conference to conference so you will be able to read the messages
in the different areas. The 1st one listed is ALWAYS the NetMail

You may also scan the message headers of the conference you are
in and this will give you "FROM" "TO" & "SUBJECT" of each message
and allows you to start scaning at any message you wish.
REMEMBER the messages are renumbered EACH & EVERY DAY. Old
messages are removed each day and are lost so if you see a
message you wish to keep then please copy it on your own disk. If
a conference is real busy then their messages are removed more
often than the slower ones!!

You are allowed to read messages in each conference. You may
begin at any number and read forward, backward, reply, or kill,
if the message was "TO" or "FROM" you and and not the last one on
the conference. REMEMBER messages are renumbered each day so you
can not always start reading where you left off the previous
day. It is best to scan previous days messages to find the exact
message where you stopped reading and proceed from there.

You may write a message and if you are in NetMail you will have
to give a Net and Node number of the person you wish to send the
message to. To get these numbers just follow the menu given and
you will see that there are OVER 1500 BBS's you can send messages
If you are using the conferences (all others execpt NetMail) you
will not be asked for a Net and Node number as the messages are
sent to the next BBS in the line. (Do not worry about the address
listed in the message as it is going to all BBS's and WILL get to
the person you want to receive the message if they are on the
conference anywhere in the WORLD).

And last, but not least you may leave the NetMail program and
return from whence you came.

Bob Westcott (Doorware Author)

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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