Dec 162017
Allows you to run your programs with the command-line ease of a batch file, and edit keywords with the ease of a commercial menu program, support for up to 100 programs, and all in just two files. Includes QB sourcecode.
File GOBATCH.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Batch Files
Allows you to run your programs with the command-line ease of a batch file, and edit keywords with the ease of a commercial menu program, support for up to 100 programs, and all in just two files. Includes QB sourcecode.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
GO.BAS 4534 1985 deflated
GO.DOC 1136 574 deflated
GO.EXE 46262 33254 deflated
GO.TXT 519 286 deflated

Download File GOBATCH.ZIP Here

Contents of the GO.DOC file

- GO - Batch Program Documentation
By Josh Warner-Burke
Version 1.0

The idea of Go is like a batch file, only much easier to edit, and
it includes only a few files, with support for hundreds of
keywords, making it less cumbersome. Just stick it into your DOS
directory and you'll never notice it.

To Enter The Program:
Type GO at the DOS prompt.

Once You're In:
If you wanna Add a keyword, type A and enter the information
requested. If you wanna Edit a keyword, type E, enter the old
keyword name to be edited, and then the new information (the info
to replace the old stuff). To Test a keyword, type T and enter the
keyword's name. To Display the list of all the keywords, type D
(and when you're done looking at it, press any key). To quit,
simply type Q.

To Run A Program (A Keyword):
Type GO at the DOS prompt.

To View A List of Keywords From The DOS Prompt:
Type GO LIST at the DOS prompt.

Feel free to edit the code or whatever (It's QuickBasic).
If ya found this one useful, look out for future versions!

 December 16, 2017  Add comments

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