Dec 262017
Word Perfect 5.1 formatted file to print WP 5.1 and WordStar Function Key Templates in color. Defaults to Epson 800/1000 color printers.
File WPFKEY.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Perfect
Word Perfect 5.1 formatted file to print WP 5.1 and WordStar Function Key Templates in color. Defaults to Epson 800/1000 color printers.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
README.DOC 606 367 deflated
WP51FKEY 5929 1924 deflated
WS5FKEY 5542 1705 deflated

Download File WPFKEY.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file



Readme.docThis Documentation file
Wp51fkeyWP51 formatted file to print WP51 Function Key Template
Ws5fkeyWP51 formatted file to print WORDSTAR Template


These file were originally written for the EPSON EX800/1000 Printer.
(You may need to Edit the FONT Selections within the documents for
different printers).

The GOOD news is that IF you have a COLOR printer, you will get a COLOR


The files are easily modified within WP51 to produce templates for other

----- Enjoy -----

 December 26, 2017  Add comments

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