Dec 072017
SEDT is a screen editor written with the goal of providing a common editor across a wide range of operating systems. For ease-of-use Sedt is programmed with a keyboard layout similar to EDT.
File SEDT4DOS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
SEDT is a screen editor written with the goal of providing a common editor across a wide range of operating systems. For ease-of-use Sedt is programmed with a keyboard layout similar to EDT.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ATDOSH.EDT 3405 680 deflated
ATDOSM.EDT 2432 1392 deflated
ATDOSM.INP 3960 1668 deflated
FUNDEF.EDT 5120 2115 deflated
FUNDEF.INP 4248 1804 deflated
HELP.EDT 23225 5026 deflated
INSTALL.HOW 2674 993 deflated
LICENSE.TXT 1621 639 deflated
LKDOSH.EDT 2836 760 deflated
LKDOSM.EDT 2560 1535 deflated
LKDOSM.INP 4379 1782 deflated
MAPKEY.EXE 39808 20079 deflated
NPDOSH.EDT 3898 779 deflated
NPDOSM.EDT 2432 1412 deflated
NPDOSM.INP 4049 1698 deflated
PCDOSH.EDT 3406 728 deflated
PCDOSM.EDT 2432 1370 deflated
PCDOSM.INP 3961 1660 deflated
RBDOSH.EDT 2834 679 deflated
RBDOSM.EDT 3712 1709 deflated
RBDOSM.INP 5304 1829 deflated
README 4724 1769 deflated
RULER0.TXT 384 140 deflated
SEDT.CNF 203 133 deflated
SEDT.DOC 34662 9892 deflated
SEDT.ENV 128 48 deflated
SEDT.EXE 147328 68489 deflated
SEDT.PIF 384 58 deflated
SEDT.REM 12 12 stored
SEDTMAN.EDT 203247 54343 deflated
SLICENSE.TXT 2022 677 deflated
SLTDOSH.EDT 4942 883 deflated
SLTDOSM.EDT 2560 1470 deflated
SLTDOSM.INP 4266 1797 deflated
T31DOSH.EDT 4832 860 deflated
T31DOSM.EDT 2432 1391 deflated
T31DOSM.INP 3955 1665 deflated
WAYSTAR2.LOG 15204 5060 deflated

Download File SEDT4DOS.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

Sedt Editor 11-Jun-1989

Shareware Program

Author: Anker Berg-Sonne

Sedt is a text editor for the IBM PC and compatibles
running DOS or OS/2, DEC Rainbow, ATARI ST, VAX/VMS, VAX/ULTRIX,

Sedt is a shareware program and may only be used by
properly licensed users. See the file LICENSE.TXT for the
license agreement. The license fee includes ONE of the following
packages. Further updates and additional packages will only be
made upon payment of the proper distribution fee.

Distribution can be made in the following formats:

A: 1.2 MB IBM formatted floppy disk with Sedt for MS-DOS,
Microsoft Windows, OS/2 protected mode and on-line

B: 1.2 MB IBM formatted floppy disk with Sedt for VMS and
on-line documentation.

C: 1.2 MB IBM formatted floppy disk with Sedt for VAX
ULTRIX, MIPS ULTRIX and online documentation.

D: Two 360KB floppy disks with Sedt for MS-DOS and on-line

E: One 3 1/2" diskette with Sedt for ATARI ST (TOS and GEM)
and on-line documentation.

F: 1.2 MB IBM formatted diskette with Sedt for SCO XENIX and
on-line documentation.

The distribution charge is $15 U.S. plus $10 U.S. for
each of package (A, B, C, D, E or F) ordered. One package will
be $25, two $35, three $45, four $55, and five $65.

Site licenses. For a given number of employees, using
any systems at the site, does not cover non site relevant use of
Sedt by employees. Site license includes free distribution of
one kit. Site licenses only apply to one geographical site of a
company or non-profit institution. Fee is dependent on number of
employees using Sedt:

Number of employees Fee

1-5 $25 per employee
6-10 $125
11-50 $200
50-200 $500
201-1000 $1000

Educational licenses. There is no license fee for
instructional, class-room use. Site license fees apply to other
use by educational institutions.

For orders placed outside the U.S. I apprciate payment
in U.S. funds payable by a U.S. bank. Checks not payable to a
U.S. bank involve hefty charges.

I continuously fix problems that I am aware of and add
new features. At any time an order comes in, I ship the current
the version I am working on. If, for some reason, you find that
the software I shipped you has a serious problem, I'll be more
than happy to fix the problem, if I haven't done so already, and
ship you a replacement. Also, if you intend to put Sedt on a
bulletin board, please do so only after testing it thoroughly, or
get in contact with me.

Sedt is what it is because of a continuing, intense
dialog with the user base. If you have any suggestions for
improvement, I am anxious to hear about it. Please mail your
thoughts to me at my home address. 8 Middlemost Way, Stow, MA
01775. I would appreciate your cooperation in limiting telephone
queries to an absolute minimum.

For installation instructions read INSTALL.HOW on the
installation disk and for complete documentation read

Please avoid contacting me at Digital Equipment
Corporation unless the issue you want to discuss is related to
business with Digital. You can reach me my electronic mail
through Compuserve as "72337,3211". You can reach this account
from Internet as "72337,3211%[email protected]".

I hope you will enjoy the product.

Anker Berg-Sonne

 December 7, 2017  Add comments

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