Dec 132017
SSORT will sort any size text file no matter how much RAM your machine has. It will sort on custom alphabets and line length too. It is freeware.
File SAMSORT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
SSORT will sort any size text file no matter how much RAM your machine has. It will sort on custom alphabets and line length too. It is freeware.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
SSORT.EXE 11483 11153 deflated
SSORT13.DOC 1985 854 deflated

Download File SAMSORT.ZIP Here

Contents of the SSORT13.DOC file


SSORT will sort text files of any size no matter how much RAM you have.

Syntax is pretty simple:
SSORT [input file] [output file] [/L] [/LD] [/Cfilename]
Options are:
/L will sort your file with the shortest lines first (ascending length)

/LD will sort your file with the longest lines first (descending length)

/Cfilename will use the custom alphabet on the first line of filename

If you use /L and /C then the line's length will be considered before its
place in the alphabet. The custom alphabet allows you to sort files in
any order you wish. Any characters you leave out of the alphabet will be
assumed to be after the last character in your alphabet.

SSORT supports pipes. The filenames are optional. If only one filename
is specified then it is assumed to be the input file. If two filenames
are given then the first filename is assumed to be the input file and the
second is assumed to be the output file.

I have used slashes (/) to denote options. If you don't like to use them
then use anything you want as long as it isn't a letter or number. Also,
oprions are not location specific except for the input and output
filenames (input must precede the output). All of the following lines
are acceptable:
SSORT +csammy words .ld words.out
SSORT words ~ld words.out #csammy
SSORT %ld -csammy words words.out

Be ye careful when using < and > as these denote IO redirection in MS-DOS
and should not be used for option switches.

SSORT is fully renameable. If you don't like the name I've given it then simply
rename it to whatever you like and the help screen will be adjusted.

Any questions/comments/suggestions should be directed to me here at Programmer's
Corner or on GEnie to S.BLACKBURN2. HAPPY SORTING!

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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