Dec 132017
Programmers ASCII text editor. Uses WordStar-like commands..
File EMEDIT15.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Word Processors
Programmers ASCII text editor. Uses WordStar-like commands..
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
EM.COM 38307 22569 deflated
EM.DOC 70744 16815 deflated
EM.HLP 5744 1557 deflated
EMCONFIG.COM 26496 15695 deflated
EMKEY.DEF 5058 1433 deflated
MYKEY.DEF 1031 443 deflated
ORDER.FRM 3052 775 deflated
QUICK.HLP 1618 560 deflated
READ.ME 1564 712 deflated
WSKEY.DEF 3864 1178 deflated

Download File EMEDIT15.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

NOTE: This is version 1.5 of the editor. Versions 1.36 and 1.4 did NOT work
remotely. In an attempt to optimize the slow screen output, I introduced a
bug that kept output from being redirected, hence causing the program to
fail when run remote. I am sorry for the problems.

This is a MS-DOS generic editor. By generic I mean that it
only uses standard MS-DOS calls/interrupts, and makes no direct calls to
the machines bios routines. Also, for it to work properly, ansi.sys (or
the equivalent) must be installed.

NOTE that to run the editor, the only file required is the editor itself.
None of the other files are required for the editor to operate.

Files included here: the editor configuration program

Keyboard definition files.

emkey.def sample key definition file
wskey.def WordStar (tm) like key definition file
mykey.def empty key definition file to work with

Other files:

em.doc documentation
em.hlp help file
quick.hlp list of commands this file
order.frm handy order form

Note that as shipped, EM uses the "special" keys on the IBM keyboard for
many of its commands. If you will be running EM in an environment that
does NOT allow or recognize these commands, then configure EM with the
wskey.def key file, or better yet, make up your own.

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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