Dec 142017
Stores descriptions for any file on your hard disk for Windows.
File WINDNOTE.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Stores descriptions for any file on your hard disk for Windows.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ARJ.PIF 545 125 deflated
LHA.PIF 545 125 deflated
NOTESYNC.DOC 1627 721 deflated
NOTESYNC.EXE 12353 11853 deflated
README.1ST 1205 616 deflated
WINDNOTE.EXE 32512 16721 deflated
WINDNOTE.WRI 11264 4065 deflated

Download File WINDNOTE.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

WINDNOTE 1.0 April 21, 1992

This is a Windows adaptation of "Dirnotes". It lets you place comments
next to the file names and sub-directory names in your directories. It also
lets you view the contents of many of those files (ASCII text and any file
whose extension is associated with a program you have, such as Paintbrush,
PKZIP, or WRITE) and delete a file (after confirmation).

Please see WINDNOTE.WRI for instructions on how to use WINDNOTE.

WINDNOTE is FREEWARE. It is copyright (c) 1992 by Bill Mason, and all
rights to it are reserved. The author expressly allows unlimited free
distribution of WINDNOTE, as long as the distribution charge does not
exceed $5.00. The author will not be responsible for unsatisfactory results
obtained from the use of WINDNOTE. The program has been tested successfully
under Windows 3.0 and 3.1.


This is an MS-DOS (non-Windows) utility that will keep DIRNOTES and
WINDNOTE files in agreement.

Please see NOTESYNC.DOC for instructions on how to use NOTESYNC.

NOTESYNC is FREEWARE and should be distributed along with WINDNOTE.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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