Dec 102017
Multi-Media display drivers from Microsoft BBS for Windows 3.1.
File MMDISP.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Windows 3.X Files
Multi-Media display drivers from Microsoft BBS for Windows 3.1.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CGA40850.FON 3729 3375 deflated
CGA40WOA.FON 3563 3210 deflated
CGA80850.FON 3049 2722 deflated
CGA80WOA.FON 3039 2712 deflated
COURE.FON 8612 8045 deflated
DISPLAY.TXT 1734 772 deflated
EGA40850.FON 4058 3826 deflated
EGA40WOA.FON 3933 3699 deflated
EGA80850.FON 3243 3005 deflated
EGA80WOA.FON 3259 3019 deflated
EGAFIX.FON 2534 2321 deflated
EGAOEM.FON 3027 2688 deflated
EGASYS.FON 2879 2732 deflated
LICENSE.TXT 2769 1389 deflated
LRFIX.FON 2752 2504 deflated
LRHELV.FON 2592 2413 deflated
LRHELVB.FON 2601 2423 deflated
LROEM.FON 3112 2800 deflated
LRSYS.FON 3198 3029 deflated
MCGA256.DRV 39116 36510 deflated
OEMSETUP.INF 1940 583 deflated
SERIFE.FON 21454 20524 deflated
SMALLE.FON 12501 11825 deflated
SSERIFE.FON 21643 20721 deflated
SYMBOLE.FON 21296 20458 deflated
VDDVGA30.386 19651 18040 deflated
VGA30.3GR 9803 9326 deflated
VGACOLOR.2GR 3658 3462 deflated
VGAFIX.FON 2715 2553 deflated
VGAGRAY.DRV 46651 43746 deflated
VGALOGO.LGO 1245 1167 deflated
VGALOGO.RLE 9204 8807 deflated
VGAOEM.FON 3219 2959 deflated
VGAPAL.DRV 46755 43832 deflated
VGASYS.FON 3111 2992 deflated
WIN.CNF 16112 8063 deflated

Download File MMDISP.ZIP Here

Contents of the DISPLAY.TXT file

By using the following Windows 3.1 Driver Library
(the "Software"), you are hereby agreeing to the
included license agreement. Please review the

Installing a Display Driver
Follow the instructions given in "Installing a
Device Driver Not Supplied with Windows Version
3.1," in Chapter 15, "Maintaining Windows with
Setup," in the "Microsoft Windows User's Guide."
When requested to insert a disk, insert the disk
you made during the downloading procedure, or
type the path of the directory where you
downloaded the driver.

Copying VGALOGO Files
When using Setup to install WDL driver
files, Setup may request that you enter a
directory path in order to copy the VGALOGO.LGO
and VGALOGO.RLE files. It may prompt you for
the driver disk or for a Windows 3.1 Setup disk.
When this happens, simply enter the full path
to the driver diskette or directory again,
and Setup will continue.

Error Message: "Problem with disk drive A:"
This message may appear if you are not installing
the WDL driver files from disk drive A:. If this
happens, press ESC to cancel the error message, and
then re-enter the path to the directory containing
the WDL driver files. This message may appear
multiple times.

Do Not Copy Driver Files
Most display driver files on the WDL are
compressed. SETUP automatically expands
compressed files during the driver installation
process. Always use SETUP to install display
drivers. DO NOT copy WDL display driver files
directly into your Windows directory.

 December 10, 2017  Add comments

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