Dec 102017
Sector saver. Lets you wander around your disk pulling sectors into mem.
File SECTOR20.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Sector saver. Lets you wander around your disk pulling sectors into mem.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
SECTORSV.DOC 1547 686 deflated
SECTORSV.EXE 45124 29068 deflated

Download File SECTOR20.ZIP Here

Contents of the SECTORSV.DOC file

Welcome to SectorSaver 2.0

SectorSaver is a program which lets you examine all the sectors of a disk,
and save any that you want into another file. Since it is not 'automatic'
you will do best trying to put together text files.

The idea is to waltz around the disk looking for a series of sectors which
look like the file you have lost. You them make a copy into memory. You
can list what you have captured, and when you are ready, save it to disk.

Information on how to do this is on the main screen, and by pressing F1,
which will call up a series of help screens.

Version 2.0 includes two enhancements: 1.) Moving between Sectors is
considerably faster and 2.) the program now sports TRACK SCAN, which
allows you to see a portion of each sector of an entire track. This is
useful for locating your lost data, or for quickly scanning the contents
of an entire disk

This version only supports saving on Floppy Disks, but if I get enough
support it will be expanded to include the usual "undelete" features,
paths etc.

Be glad to get any feedback that you'd like to give.

David Rollason
Compuserve 70376,1645

 December 10, 2017  Add comments

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