Dec 242017
-Now- tells you the date and time, and today's message. Message can be changed. Date and time are in readable long form.
File NOW.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
-Now- tells you the date and time, and today’s message. Message can be changed. Date and time are in readable long form.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
NOW.DOC 1216 618 deflated
NOW.EXE 12828 8335 deflated

Download File NOW.ZIP Here

Contents of the NOW.DOC file

NOW.EXE - (c) 1990 by Guang-Ien Cheng
A time/date utility with date reminders
NOW is a simple command-line utility. With-out any parameters, NOW simply
displays the current time and date in a clear format. NOW also checks its
auxilary file, CALENDAR.NOW, for a reminder for today. If it finds one,
it will display it at this time. For example, a normal NOW output would

9:40 pm
Tuesday, May 8, 1990.

If the message "Happy B-day!" was attached, the following would display:

9:40 pm
Tuesday, May 8, 1990.
Happy B-day!

To list the current messages in CALENDAR.NOW use the /L parameter. To enter
a message for a specific date use the /E parameter. You will be prompted
for a date and then for the message. To delete a specific message, use the
/D parameter and enter the date when prompted.


1. NOW.EXE requires DOS 3.0 or higher.
2. If NOW.EXE cannot find CALENDAR in the same directory as itself, it will
build a new, blank one, a process which takes a few seconds.
3. Type NOW ? for brief instructions.
4. NOW.EXE is intended to be used in AUTOEXEC.BAT, so reminders will not be

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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