Jan 022018
Simple program that will encrypt a file so that others can not use it. An un-encrypt program is also included.
File ENCRYP.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Simple program that will encrypt a file so that others can not use it. An un-encrypt program is also included.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ENCRYPT.COM 13186 8375 deflated
ENCRYPT.DOC 2176 912 deflated
MSTRCRPT.COM 9182 6094 deflated

Download File ENCRYP.ZIP Here

Contents of the ENCRYPT.DOC file


ENCRYPT v1.2 is an encryption program. This program can be used to
encrypt and password any file. It can be handy for passing confidential
information on diskettes or through bulletin boards. I find it handy in
keeping the boss from accidentally finding my resume on the fixed disk at
work. Personally I've found many uses for it as I'm sure you will.

MSTRCRPT.COM v1.0 is a program I included just in case you forget your
pass_number. This program ignores all pass words and decodes you file.

These programs are being introduced into the public domain. That is,
you can copy the program all you want, and give it to whomever you want.
However, if you use ENCRYPT, I am asking that you make a donation of $10
sent to me, the auther. If you for some reason fell that $10 is too much,
substitute an amount that you feel the program is worth.
Please send donations to:

John Caputo
#5 4190 Rockriver Dr.
Cleveland, OH 44135

If you would like a copy of the source code, in 'C' please send the request
along with your donation.


ENCRYPT file_name [E/D] [pass_number]

file_name : you must include the name of the file to be encrypted on the
command line. you may specify a drive and path name but wild
cards are not excepted.

E/D : Encode or Decode these are optional on the command line, but if
if you leave them off you will be asked later.

pass_number: this is the key to you encrypted file. it is a number between
1 and 9999. it may be included on the command line or interactive.

MSTRCRPT file_name

file_name : you must include the name of the file to be encrypted on the
command line. you may specify a drive and path name but wild
cards are not excepted. there is no need for any other options
because this program decrypts only and ignores all passwords.

 January 2, 2018  Add comments

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