Dec 132017
One-pass floppy disk copier. Uses RAM, EMS, or hard drive for buffering.
File 1PASS155.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
One-pass floppy disk copier. Uses RAM, EMS, or hard drive for buffering.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
1PASS.EXE 22495 8694 deflated
INVOICE.ONE 1762 463 deflated
MAILER 2793 809 deflated
ONEPASS.DOC 14387 4604 deflated

Download File 1PASS155.ZIP Here

Contents of the ONEPASS.DOC file

ISBN 1-878830-03-1

The Single-Pass
Diskette Copier

copyright 1990, 1992 by Mike Gaskill

OnePass is a replacement for DOS' "diskcopy" command. Unlike diskcopy,
OnePass is not limited to available memory and does not require you to
swap disks.

Features of OnePass are:

Single-pass copying of any standard floppy disk, including 720k,
1.2Mb, 1.44Mb, and the new 2.88Mb diskettes.

Make multiple copies of the same disk without rereading original.

Save the swap file, archive it, or transfer it over the modem, then
build an exact copy of the original diskette.

Can swap to hard disk or RAMdisk.

Tested for compatibility under PC-DOS and MS-DOS versions 2.0
through 5.0, PC-MOS/386 versions 3.2 through 4.12, Digital Research
DR-DOS 3.40 through 5.01, and JP Software's 4DOS.

Automatic formatting of destination disk. (only if needed)

Suppress head track counter, 'another copy' prompt, completion tone.

New 'another copy' prompt: 'Would you like to make another copy of
this disk? Y/N' followed by, 'Would you like to make a copy of a
different disk? Y/N'.

Besides making quick diskcopies without playing the floppy shuffle, OnePass
is also useful for duplicating software disks. Diskettes created by OnePass
are identical to the original - boot disks actually boot, etc.


OnePass needs 64k of memory, one floppy drive, and a swap drive with enough
space for the swap file plus 2k for additional information stored by OnePass.

How OnePass works:

OnePass reads the source diskette at a low level, then builds an exact image
on the swap drive. You may save the file or write it back to diskette

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onepass d: [/options]

where: d: drive to be copied. A or B.

/[d:] swap drive. This can be any valid DOS drive letter.
colon is optional.

/type force drive to 360, 720, 1.2, or 1.44
example: onepass A:/720 (force 720KB disk ID)
You won't need this unless your machine's BIOS doesn't
properly support drives over 360K. Valid switches are
/360, /720, /1.2, and /1.44.

/!:image.dsk use this name for OUTPUT image file. Any valid DOS pathname.

/#:image.dsk use this name for INPUT image file. Any valid DOS pathname.

/& quiet mode, turns off completion tone

/? help screen

* /$ skips another copy prompt

* /0: writes zeros to temporary or saved image file
example: onepass a: /0 (zero temp file before delete)
onepass /0:infile (zero a file saved earlier)

* /^ suppress display of head track counter during format.

* /v: view file contents of a OnePass image file.
example: onepass /v:c:\copies\copy1.dsk
(displays as a directory, the contents of
the OnePass image file 'copy1.dsk',
located in the subdirectory 'copies'.
If original disk had a label name, the label
is the first entry in the displayed directory.)

note: to allow use of all 26 drive letters for swapping, OnePass uses !, #, 0,
$, ^ and & to enable other command line parameters.
OnePass now provides auto formatting. (only when needed)

* Registered version only.

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Running OnePass:

Here are some examples of OnePass at work:


copy drive swap drive copy A: drive using defaults

> hard disk

A: 1.44Mb C: hard disk


copy drive swap drive copy A: drive using hard drive E:
for swapping
> hard disk

A: 1.44Mb E: hard disk


copy drive swap drive forces OnePass to treat A: drive
as a 720k device. Some clone BIOS
> hard disk have trouble with diskette sizes
larger than 360k. Use only if
A: 1.2Mb C: hard disk needed.


copy drive swap drive copy B: using network drive Q:
for swapping
> network

B: 1.2Mb Q: network drive


copy drive swap drive copy 1.2 floppy using 1.44 floppy
for swapping

A: 1.2Mb B: 1.44Mb

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copy drive swap drive copy 1.2 floppy using RAMdisk
for swapping
> RAMdisk

720k F: RAMdisk


copy drive swap drive copy A: drive, save swap file as
> hard disk

A: 1.44Mb D: hard disk


copy drive swap drive copy A: drive, use existing swap
file DISK.1 in default directory
> hard disk of C:

B: 1.2Mb C: hard disk


copy drive swap drive copy A: drive, save swap file as
DISK.1 in D:\PROGS and turn off
> hard disk tone

A: 1.44Mb D: hard disk

ONEPASS B: /#:C:\DISK.1 /$

copy drive swap drive copy A: drive, use existing swap
file DISK.1 in default directory
> hard disk of C: and turn off another copy
B: 1.2Mb C: hard disk

ONEPASS B: /#:C:\DISK.1 /^

copy drive swap drive copy A: drive, use existing swap
file DISK.1 in default directory
> hard disk of C: and turn off head track
counter during format.
B: 1.2Mb C: hard disk

PAGE 5 ===========================ONEPASS.DOC===========================

Registering OnePass:

What's in it for me?

If you use OnePass regularly, we'd like you to register. Now,
we're realistic people and realize some people take a while to
get a "round tuit", so we'll sweeten the deal a bit.

Send in our puny $10 fee, and you'll get:

1) The very latest revision of 1PASS.EXE on 5 1/4 or 3 1/2 media.

2) /$ Toggle to turn off "another?" prompt.

3) /0 Security erase of OnePass swap files.

4) Automatic formatting of destination disk.
(Onepass formats only when necessary.)

5) Bad sector checking of destination disks.
Because OnePass duplicates the entire disk (including the fat)
bad sectors are not allowable on the destination disk. OnePass
verifies the format or examines the fat of a preformatted disk
for bad sectors, informs the user then prompts for a new disk
and retry. (not available before v1.50)

6) /^ Supress OnePass' head track counter during format.
This helps to speed the formatting process by eliminating a
procedure in the OnePass code. The enhanced speed is much more
obvious on 25 mhz or greater.

7) /v: View contents of a OnePass image file as if it were the
directory of a disk. (If original disk had a label name, the
label is the first entry in the displayed directory.)

8) Support for the new 2.88Mb floppy disks.
note: 2.88Mb support will be added when
tecnical information is released.

9) Access to the OnePass support BBS.

10) Our handy upgrade policy - just send a stamped, self addressed
mailer and disk and we'll return the latest version of OnePass
for no extra charge.

11) Printed manual.

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To make life easier, we've included a handy instant mailer - just print,
fold, and stamp. For business users, we've also included an invoice you
can print and send to your accounting department. Such a deal!



OnePass command line execution tutor: Learn what OnePass can really do,
and see exactly how to do it. OnePass switch options are displayed and the
user is prompted for switch selections from a simple menu. OnePass displays
your input on a simulated command line using the syntax required for execution
from the DOS command line. Then, at the user's request, OnePass executes your
selected options. (late 1992)

OnePass utilities: Examine a OnePass image file disk copy and extract
any desired file to diskette or nonremovable media. Archive your OnePass
image file for easy storage and dispersion. Search the webwork of your
harddisk directories for the lost or escaped OnePass image file. Examine
the fat of any propesctive OnePass destination disk for bad sectors before
you attempt a OnePass copy. (early to mid 1993)

note from the author:

I would like to thank Dave Williams whose DOS Technical
Reference was absolutely indispensable as was the man. OnePass
could very easily be nonexistent. In case I haven't said it
enough Dave, THANKS A MILLION!

I would also like to thank Gerry Ryan of DB Solutions Pty. Ltd.
in far away Australia for his suggestion and improvement on
my 'another copy' prompt. Thanks man.

And a special thanks to all my beloved registered users. You'll
be hearing from me............later.................m.g.


Sorry folks. I do the best I can but I can't promise that OnePass
won't make a machine out there do crazy stuff, or even damage a
piece of hardware. I do promise to try and fix any bugs that are
severe enough to merit the work..............

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About Shareware:

Shareware (also known as user supported software and other names) is a
concept not understood by everyone. The authors of Shareware retain all
rights to the software under the copyright laws while still allowing
free distribution. This gives the user the chance to freely obtain and
try out software to see if it fits his needs. Shareware should not be
confused with Public Domain software even though they are often obtained
from the same sources.

If you continue to use Shareware after trying it out, you are expected
to register your copy with the author and pay a fee. In exchange you get
the latest version, updates, and support.

Thank you for your support!

Use the information in INVOICE.ONE or MAILER, or send your check or money
order (US funds) to:

Mike Gaskill P.H.# (501)-982-8273
1310 Smithwick
Jacksonville AR 72076-0181 USA

If you have questions or comments, address them to me at the above
address, or at The Courts of Chaos BBS, (501)982-0059.


12/22/90 v1.0 original release
12/26/90 v1.01 changed help screen, updated documentation
02/05/91 v1.02 altered several display strings
updated documentation for registerd version
01/12/92 v1.50 installed auto formatting.
01/19/92 v1.50 installed bad sector checking of destination disk.
01/29/92 v1.51 installed new 'another copy' prompt.
04/02/92 v1.53 added message scrolling.
04/11/92 v1.55 now copies bad sectored disks.

OnePass is coded in 100% assembly language by Michael Gaskill.
Specification and documentation by Dave Williams.

Special or corporate branded versions available at extra cost.
Enquire for business or government site licensing.

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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