Dec 102017
16 Bit Version Of Scene Builder for POV-Ray raytracer.

Full Description of File

PoV Scene Builder v0.99b 16bit version. PoVSB
is a Windows based modeler for the Persistence
of Vision Raytracer. PoVSB allows users of PoV
to quickly and easily design scenes in the
Windows environment. Four view of scene- 3 ISO
views, 1 Camera view, Objects supported Sphere
Box, Plane, Cone, Cylinder, Torus, Bzier
Surfaces, Height Fields, Blobs (Importing from
Blob Sculptor), Lathe. CSG- Union, Merge,
Intersection, Difference RAW- Flat or smooth
output to PoV format. DXF- Polylines
extruded/beveled- 3D Text. Smooth triangle
output for dxf objects. Rendering from within
PoVSB and much more!

File PSB99B16.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Recently Uploaded Files
16 Bit Version Of Scene Builder for POV-Ray raytracer.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
%.DXF 9216 1453 deflated
3DFONTS.PSB 24023 3969 deflated
@&8.DXF 17582 2267 deflated
BC402RTL.DLL 219648 81596 deflated
BIDS402.DLL 69632 22515 deflated
CAN.PSB 13055 1693 deflated
CHESS.RAW 42774 5225 deflated
COLORS.DAT 1222 501 deflated
CTL3DV2.DLL 21648 10089 deflated
FACE.BLB 1233 329 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 622 412 deflated
INCLUDE.INC 440 242 deflated
OWL202.DLL 598544 191142 deflated
PANEL.GIF 6088 5671 deflated
POV.BAT 360 197 deflated
POV.DXF 9557 1484 deflated
POVSB.DAT 1594 813 deflated
POVSB.DXF 17189 2192 deflated
POVSB.EXE 818896 209059 deflated
POVSB.HLP 328504 198934 deflated
POVSB.INI 187 100 deflated
README.1ST 347 225 deflated
SATELITE.PSB 22390 959 deflated
TEAPOT.PSB 44923 2256 deflated
TEST.BLB 793 304 deflated
TEXTURES.DAT 1396 477 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File PSB99B16.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

PoV Scene Builder v0.99b 16bit version. PoVSB
is a Windows based modeler for the Persistence
of Vision Raytracer. PoVSB allows users of PoV
to quickly and easily design scenes in the
Windows environment. Four view of scene- 3 ISO
views, 1 Camera view, Objects supported Sphere
Box, Plane, Cone, Cylinder, Torus, Bzier
Surfaces, Height Fields, Blobs (Importing from
Blob Sculptor), Lathe. CSG- Union, Merge,
Intersection, Difference RAW- Flat or smooth
output to PoV format. DXF- Polylines
extruded/beveled- 3D Text. Smooth triangle
output for dxf objects. Rendering from within
PoVSB and much more!
Installation Directions:

Create a directory Called povsb.
Unzip files into the povsb directory.
MOVE ctl3dv2.dll to the windows\system directory. (If you don't do this you'll get an error)

That's it.

If you get any errors please e-mail me on what you did and see if you can reproduce the errors.

[email protected]

 December 10, 2017  Add comments

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