Dec 282017
Job hunting program for windows. Requires vbrun300 and msajt110.

Full Description of File

JOBHUNT-5WS: Complete Job-Search Tool for
Windows. Write to thousands of potential
employers nationwide in one day. Provides
full contact info, prints personalized
letters, labels and envelopes. Use various
criteria to search companies. Rave Reviews.
"No longer is it necessary to spend days in
the library developing a database of leading
employers."- The Wall Street Journal's NBEW.
Req. VBRUN300.DLL+ MSAJT110.DLL. Scope Int'l.

File JOBHUNT.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Job hunting program for windows. Requires vbrun300 and msajt110.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BUTTON3.DL_ 9367 8999 deflated
COMMDLG.DL_ 54551 52947 deflated
CTL3D.DL_ 10312 9957 deflated
DDEML.DL_ 23670 22871 deflated
DISKINFO.DL_ 8645 8298 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 439 310 deflated
FILE_ID.DI_ 494 427 deflated
GAUGE.VB_ 17529 16826 deflated
HECMDLG.VB_ 11836 10623 deflated
HEDLG.DL_ 17853 17313 deflated
HEICON.DL_ 11374 11014 deflated
HEVB.VB_ 33651 32731 deflated
HIGHEDIT.DL_ 257238 248274 deflated
JOBHUNT.BI_ 8423 8089 deflated
JOBHUNT.EX_ 95980 92063 deflated
JOBHUNT.HL_ 17080 16549 deflated
JOBLIST.MD_ 109514 101509 deflated
JOBSHARE.IN_ 80 80 stored
MSAES110.DL_ 18931 18057 deflated
MSAFINX.DL_ 17426 16506 deflated
MSCOMM.VB_ 14788 14226 deflated
MSMASKED.VB_ 18430 17727 deflated
MSOUTLIN.VB_ 14888 14374 deflated
README.TXT 5903 2702 deflated
README.TX_ 3410 3216 deflated
RTF.DL_ 34572 33532 deflated
RULER.DL_ 4910 4711 deflated
SAMPLE.LE_ 1959 1871 deflated
SETUP.EXE 19056 10354 deflated
SETUP.LST 38 31 deflated
SETUP1.EX_ 14682 14210 deflated
SETUPKIT.DL_ 3657 3489 deflated
STATUS.DL_ 4887 4672 deflated
TAB.DL_ 10400 10010 deflated
THREED.VB_ 33489 32313 deflated
VBDB300.DL_ 59761 57050 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 7092 3146 deflated
VENDOR.DO_ 3990 3788 deflated
VER.DL_ 9696 5640 deflated

Download File JOBHUNT.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

JOBHUNT-5WS: Complete Job-Search Tool for
Windows. Write to thousands of potential
employers nationwide in one day. Provides
full contact info, prints personalized
letters, labels and envelopes. Use various
criteria to search companies. Rave Reviews.
"No longer is it necessary to spend days in
the library developing a database of leading
employers."- The Wall Street Journal's NBEW.
Req. VBRUN300.DLL+ MSAJT110.DLL. Scope Int'l. HOT! HOT! HOT! -- A Proven Retail Success
JOBHUNT-5WS: Complete Job-Search Tool!
------for WINDOWS------09-13-1994------

(Vendors: Please also see the file VENDOR.DOC)

Write to thousands of the HOTTEST companies in a single day! Save
months of Typing & Research effort. Find a job yourself or make money
by doing mass mailings for others. JOBHUNT (tm) provides Names,
Addresses, Phone, Fax, Number of Employees, Sales Volume, Nature of
Business, etc. Search by Region or Type of Industry. Built-in word
processor quickly prints personalized cover-letters, follow-up
letters, labels and envelopes. Excellent sales-prospecting tool.
Export to ASCII. Phone dialer. Thousands of additional companies
upon registration. Fully functional Lite Windows edition of the
commercially successful JOBHUNT that now sells in over 20 countries.
Rave Reviews--Press, Radio & TV. Order Today.

REVIEWS IN LEADING PUBLICATIONS (Plus many Radio & Television Shows):

"JOBHUNT Helps You Get a Job".
>>> Byte Magazine <<<

(With JOBHUNT) "No longer is it necessary to spend days in the
library developing a database of leading employers".
>>> The Wall Street Journal's NBEW <<<

"I called a sampling of companies, from large to small and found all
of them current--and pleased to be listed" (on JOBHUNT).
>>> PC Home Journal <<<

" a useful automation program for job seekers..."
>>> InfoWorld <<<

"With JOBHUNT...surviving the job search jungle just got a lot
>>> PC Today <<<

"I have found a tool that changes the way I look for jobs--JOBHUNT".
>>> Personal Computer Magazine <<<


Job-seekers (Entry level, Middle Management and Administrative),
Career-related Businesses (to do mailings for their clients, and for
prospecting), Campus Placement Offices, Libraries, Counselors,
Investors, Fund-raisers, Retiring/Separating Military Members entering
the civilian workforce, Marketers, Salespeople, Students, Executives,
Large Companies (as a "Going-away Present" at the time of lay-off) and
friends & relatives (as a Christmas or Graduation gift).


Windows 3.1, 3 Meg RAM. Also requires two files named VBRUN300.DLL
and MSAJT110.DLL which the Setup program does not install but the user
has to download separately and place them in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory (because this Setup program is for distribution through
BBSes only and we wanted to keep the file size under 1 Meg. Please
read-on for more on where to find these two files). Vendors please
note that for disk sales and distribution Scope DOES provide a
separate Setup program which will install these two *.DLL files also.
If you have not received that program in the mail from Scope already,
please call us and we shall gladly send you the diskettes (Vendors
ONLY please. We cannot ship free disks to end users). Users can also
download these two files by calling Microsoft's BBS at (206) 936-6735
or Scope's BBS at (704) 535-0610. Both of these boards are easy to
get into and the download is FREE except for the long-distance calling
charge if applicable (look for the self-extracting files named
VBRUN300.EXE and MSAJT110.EXE). Almost every good BBS will have
VBRUN300.DLL somewhere on the board. Most good boards will also carry
MSAJT110.DLL even though this file may not be as widely available as
the first one. If your BBS does not carry this file, look for a BBS
that has the "Pier 3 CD-ROM" on-line. The Pier 3 CD-ROM includes
MSAJT110.ZIP. When searching, be sure to search ALL the files on the
BBS. Many boards place CD-ROM files in separate conferences and the
conferences must often be reached separately. You may discover that
these two files are not found in the "Main Conference" or "Main Board"
but almost certainly available in a separate CD-ROM conference that
has been removed from the main board in order to conserve hard disk
space on the BBS. Note that these files will probably be compressed
in some way and the actual file-name may end in .DL_, .ZIP, .ARJ or
.EXE. If after searching your BBS you still cannot find these files,
please leave a note to your local SysOp who will be able to show you
how to download these files.


Scope International, Inc., specifically disclaims any and all
warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any
implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. Scope does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the
information-contained, as it is gathered through numerous other
sources. The employers/companies listed may or may not have any
job-openings and may or may not need your products or services.
Please use your own judgement. By using this product you are agreeing
to indemnify and hold Scope harmless against any claims whatsoever.

ANY OTHER QUESTIONS? Please call or write:

Scope International, Inc., P.O.B. 25252, Charlotte NC 28229-5252, USA
Phone: (704) 535-0614, Fax: (704) 535-0617, BBS: (704) 535-0610

JOBHUNT is a Trademark of Scope International. Copyright (c) 1989-94

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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